To study current spectrum of bacterial pathogens that cause exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) in children, who live in Moscow region, and to investigate sensitivity of isolated strains to various antibacterial drugs.
The results of microbiome’s bacterial cultivation of purulent discharge from tympanic cavities collected from 269 children with CSOM aged from 1.5 to 18 years for the period from 2017 to 2021 yr. were analyzed. The majority of examined subjects (70.6% from 190 children) had CSOM with cholesteatoma.
Monoculture was received in 62.5% of examined patients, bacterial associations — in 25.7%, bacterial-fungal associations — in 2.6%, and there was no growth in 9.2% of subjects. Staphylococcus aureus, which was found in 36.1% of children, dominated among agents. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the second most frequently diagnosed agent, revealed in 12.3% of patients. Candida spp. (7.1%) was prevalent in bacterial-fungal associations. The article presents the results of isolated strains’ sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. The high resistance to oxacillin, cefoxitin and antipseudomonal drugs was found among strains collected from children with CSOM and cholesteatoma.
S. aureus (36.1%) and P. aeruginosa (12.3%) remain the most common causative agents for exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media in children. Pathogenic fungi are not isolated separately, and Candida spp. (6.7%) dominates in bacterial-fungal associations. It is generally recognized and confirmed by our research, that topical fluoruquinolones (ciprofloxacin) are the most effective drugs for exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media treatment. Systemic antibiotics, of which fluoruquinolones (ciprofloxacin) are the most effective, are recommended in severe exacerbation, severe and destructive forms of chronic suppurative otitis media.