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Mitrofanova L.B.

Almazov National Medical Research Center, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Mitrofanov N.A.

FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdtsa, krovi i éndokrinologii im. V.A. Almazova"

Grokhotova V.V.

FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdtsa, krovi i éndokrinologii im. V.A. Almazova"

Gordeeva M.V.

Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet

Pakhomov A.V.

Northwestern Federal Medical Research Center of Health Ministry (director — acad. of RAS E.V. Shlyakhto), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Tatarskiĭ R.B.

FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdtsa, krovi i éndokrinologii im. V.A. Almazova"

Lebedev D.S.

FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdtsa, krovi i éndokrinologii im. V.A. Almazova"

Koval'skiĭ G.B.

GBUZ "Gorodskoe patologoanatomicheskoe biuro", Sankt-Peterburg

Intravital and postmortem morphological studies and magnetic resonance imaging of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia


Mitrofanova L.B., Mitrofanov N.A., Grokhotova V.V., Gordeeva M.V., Pakhomov A.V., Tatarskiĭ R.B., Lebedev D.S., Koval'skiĭ G.B.

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To cite this article:

Mitrofanova LB, Mitrofanov NA, Grokhotova VV, et al. . Intravital and postmortem morphological studies and magnetic resonance imaging of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Russian Journal of Archive of Pathology. 2013;75(6):9‑15. (In Russ.)

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