Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the drug Cytoflavin and the organization of the activities of nursing staff, within the framework of nursing care, in the complex therapy of patients with spinal cord injury (PSMT).
Material and methods. 40 patients with PSMT due to a gunshot wound were examined, who were divided into two equal groups depending on the type of therapy performed: group 1 patients received the full volume of stage I medical rehabilitation (with additional use of neurodevelopmental techniques under the supervision of a Bobata department nurse) and standard drug therapy, including a course of intravenous Cytoflavin infusions followed by tablet form; group 2 patients received the full volume of stage I medical rehabilitation and standard drug therapy, but did not receive Cytoflavin. The examination included an assessment of neurological deficits on the ASIA scale and a summary assessment of sensory and motor disorders.
Patients in group 1 showed a greater increase in muscle strength compared to group 2. The Iu of the total muscle strength score in group 1 patients increased after treatment from 70.6±14.3 to 84.2±11.1 points, which turned out to be statistically significantly higher than in group 2 (75±7.6 and 76.5±8.5 points, respectively, p<0.05). The probability of a change in the severity of neurological disorders from more severe (type B or C) to milder (type D or E) was 4.6 times higher in patients of group 1 (OR 4.64; p<0.001).
The use of the drug Cytoflavin and classes using the Bobata method with the participation of a nurse of the department significantly increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in patients with PSMT.