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The Korsakov’s Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry is one of the oldest medical Russian journals and has been published since 1901. The famous Russian psychiatrists and neurologists, including S.S. Korsakov and A. Ya. Kozhevnikov, contributed to the foundation of the Journal. A wide range of articles and variety of their presentation draw attention of researchers and physicians, experienced and beginning doctors, not only in neurology and psychiatry, but in adjacent fields as well. Many prominent Russian scientists associated with the Journal created the image of the journal of academic and practical information.
Language of publication: Russian. English version of the most interesting articles is marked as En-version and available in free access in PDF.
The Korsakov’s Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry is one of the oldest medical Russian journals and has been published since 1901. The famous Russian psychiatrists and neurologists, including S.S. Korsakov and A. Ya. Kozhevnikov, contributed to the foundation of the Journal. A wide range of articles and variety of their presentation draw attention of researchers and physicians, experienced and beginning doctors, not only in neurology and psychiatry, but in adjacent fields as well. Many prominent Russian scientists associated with the Journal created the image of the journal of academic and practical information.
The journal is indexed in RISC (Russian Index of Science Citation), Web of Science (Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI), PubMed/Medline, Index Medicus, Scopus/EMBASE, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar.
Journal is included in the Higher Attestation Commission list of journals recommended for publishing thesis materials.
The journal publishes 12 issues per year and several issues devoted to special topics: Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Alcoholism, Addictions, Guidelines for practitioners etc.
1. Russian Index of Science Citation
2. Scopus CiteScore
Neurology (clinical)
Psychiatry and Mental Health
3. SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank)
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Evgeniy I. Gusev
Editor-in-Chief, Prof., Member of the RAS, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Pirogov Russian National Research University (Moscow, Russia)
Veronika I. Skvortsova
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the Federal Medical Biological Agency (Moscow, Russia)
Mikhail Yu. Martynov
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, N.I. Pirogov Russian State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Valeriy N. Krasnov
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of Department of Clinical and Pathogenetic Research in Psychiatry, Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry - Branch of the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology (Moscow, Russia)
Dmitry F. Khritinin
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor, I.M. Sechenov Ferst Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Pavel R. Kamchatnov
Executive Secretary, Prof., MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Aleksandr V. Goryunov
Executive Secretary, MD, PhD, Leading research worker, Mental Health Research Center (Moscow, Russia)
Alla S. Avedisova
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of Therapy of Mental & Behaviour Disorders Department, V. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology (Moscow, Russia)
Enver I. Bogdanov
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Chair of the Department of Neurology, Kazan state medical university (Kazan, Russia)
Anna N. Bogolepova
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Aleksey N. Boiko
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Peter Wolf
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, Danish Epilepsy Centre Filadelfia (Dianalund, Denmar)
Olga N. Voskresenskaya
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurology, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), (Moscow, Russia)
Alla B. Guekht
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Director, Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; prof., Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Wolfgang Grisold
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital (Vienna, Austria)
Boris M. Doronin
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Novosibirsk State Medical University (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Valeriy P. Zykov
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., PhD, Department of neurology of pediatric age, pediatric faculty, Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Nikolay N. Ivanets
Member of the Editorial Board, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Sergey N. Illarioshkin
Member of the Editorial Board, - Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia)
Vasiliy G. Kaleda
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Deputy Director for Development and Innovation, Chief Researcher, Department of Endogenous Psychosis and Affective States, Scientific Center of Mental Health (Moscow, Russia)
Lyudmila A. Kalashnikova
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Main reseacher, Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir A. Karlov
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Russia)
Zurab I. Kekelidze
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Director, V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology (Moscow, Russia)
Marina A. Kinkulkina
Member of the Editorial Board, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University under Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Tatyana P. Klyushnik
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Director, Scientific Center of Mental Health (Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir V. Krylov
Member of the Editorial Board, Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Director of the Clinical Medical Center, Head of the Department of Fundamental Neurosurgery of the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Chief Researcher of the Department of Neurosurgery of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Neurosurgery, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia).
Nikolay V. Kuznetsov
Member of the Editorial Board, MD, Phd, Honored Physician of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, United Hospital with Polyclinic of the Russian Presidential Administration (Moscow, Russia)
Oleg S. Levin
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of Neurology Department, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Moscow, Russia)
Nikolay G. Neznanov
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Director, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Vladimir A. Parfenov
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Chief of the Neuroloigical and Neurosurgical Department, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) (Moscow, Russia)
Aleksandr A. Skoromets
Member of the Editorial Board, Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Chief of the Department of Neurology, I.P. Pavlov Saint-Petersburg First State Medical University (St. Petersbirg, Russia)
Dmitriy Yu. Usachev
Member of the Editorial Board, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Director, Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute (Moscow, Russia)
Boris D. Tsygankov
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy, A.I. Evdokimov of Medicine and Dentistry (Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir V. Shprakh
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Rector, Head of Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education (Irkutsk, Russia)
Miro Yakovlevich
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, President of the Croatian Psychiatric Society, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia)
Nikolay N. Yakhno
Member of the Editorial Board, Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) (Moscow, Russia)
Nikolay A. Bokhan
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Member of the RAS, Prof., MD, PhD, Еdirector of the Research Institute of Mental Health, Tomsk Scientific Research Medical Center; Siberian State Medical University (Russia)
Michael Brainin
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, Director and Professor (full) Department for Clinical Neurosciences and Preventive Medicine Danube University Krems (Austria)
Oleg S. Brusov
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, PhD, Head of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, Scientific Center of Mental Health (Russia)
Igor A. Vozniuk
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Situations named after I.I. Janelidze (Russia)
Bakhtier G. Gafurov
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Аcad. EA AMN, MD, PhD, Chief neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of Department of Neurology named after academician Rakhimjanov Abdumannon Rahmanovich, Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Education (Uzbekistan)
Nikolay V. Govorin
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, Head of Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology, Chita State Medical Academy, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation (Russia)
Stanislav K. Evtushenko
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of Department of Pediatric and General Neurology, Faculty of Internship and Postgraduate Education, Director of the Regional Children's Clinical Neurorehabilitation Center (Ukraine)
Nikolai N. Zavadenko
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Pediatric Faculty, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Russia)
Pavel Kalvach
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, University Neurology Clinic (Czech Republic)
Yuliya V. Karakulova
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of Department of Neurology named after him. V.P. Pervushin, E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University (Russia)
Vladimir I. Kozyavkin
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Director of the Institute of Medical Rehabilitation in Truskavets and the rehabilitation center "Elita" in Lviv (Ukraine)
Georgiy P. Kostyuk
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Chief Physician of the State Budgetary Institution "N.A. Alekseev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No.1 of the Moscow City Health Department (Russia)
Anna V. Lebedeva
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, MD, PhD, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Russia)
Marina Yu. Maksimova
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of 2 Neurological Departments, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Scientific Center of Neurology (Russia)
Olga A. Milovanova
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor of Department of neurology of children, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Russia)
Liliya B. Novikova
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of department, professor of Depatment of neurology and neurosurgery IPO, Bashkir State Medical University (Russia)
Miroslav M. Odinak
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., Corr. Member of the RAS, MD, PhD, Professor of Department of nervous diseases, Kirov Military Medical Academy (Russia)
Emilio Perucca
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, Professor at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, Director of the Clinical Trial Centre at the C. Mondino National Neurological Institute in Pavia (Italy)
Semen V. Prokopenko
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Department of Nervous Diseases, Traditional Medicine with Postgraduate Education Course, V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky State Medical University of Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
Nikolay Yu. Pyatnitskiy
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of Department of the organization of psychiatric services, Scientific Center for Mental Health (Russia)
Yuriy P. Sivolap
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (Russia)
James F. Toole
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, Department of Neurology Wake Forest University School of Medicine (USA)
Yuriy S. Tunyan
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Рrofessor of Department of neurology and children's neurology, National Institute of Health named after S.Kh. Avdalbekyan (Armenia)
Dina R. Khasanova
Member of the Editorial Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Kazan State Medical University (Russia)
Olga A. Shavlovskaya
Member of the Advisory Editorial Board, MD, PhD, professor, department of restorative medicine and medical rehabilitation, International Restorative Medicine University, Russia, Moscow
G. Shazo
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, MD, (France)
Klaus Shimrigk
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, Saarland University (Germany)
Vladimir I. Shmyrev
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the I neurological department, scientific adviser on neurology, Central Clinical Hospital with a Polyclinic, Head of Department of neurology, chief specialist in neurology, "Central State Medical Academy" of the Department of Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation (Russia)
Eduard Z. Yakupov
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Prof., MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Kazan State Medical University (Russia)
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When preparing a manuscript, authors should follow Recommendations on conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work in medical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
When reviewing an article, the editorial board can check the material using Anti-plagiarism system. If multiple borrowings are found, the editorial board acts according to the rules COPE.
In preparing the manuscript, authors should follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
The Editorial Board can check the material using the Anti-Plagiarism system. In the case of multiple borrowings, the Editorial Board operates in accordance with COPE rules.
All manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent by mail to:
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1. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter from the institution of higher professional education to which the authors are affiliated and approved in writing by the research supervisor (download blank form - MS Word .doc).
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2. The manuscript should be signed by all authors. The full name, e-mail address or telephone number of the corresponding author should be included. You must specify the ORCID for the author who submits the article, and preferably for each author of the article. If there is no ORCID number, you need to obtain it by registering at
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6. References should be typed on a separate page. The reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author family name. All authors should be cited. References must be numbered and citations of references in text should be identified using numbers in square brackets.
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7. All manuscripts submitted are peer reviewed. Reviewers treat the document as confidential and should not make personal or professional use of the data or interpretations before publication.
8. There are no charges for authors.
9. Final decision on publication (rejection) will be made by the Editorial Board.
10. The Editorial Board reserves the right to suggest changes to articles regarding length, organization, and content.
The editorial board of the S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry follows the ethical standards adopted by the international scientific society. In its activity the editorial board relies on the Recommendations on conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work in medical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All parties involved in the publication process must adhere to the following ethical standards.
The Editorial Board is responsible for deciding which manuscripts sent to the journal will be accepted for publication. The Editorial Board decides on the publication based on the journal's policy, taking into account the current copyright law, avoiding libel and plagiarism.
The editor evaluates the intellectual content of the manuscript without regard to the workplace and official status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, citizenship, or disability of the authors. The decision to publish an article is made solely on the basis of its scientific significance, originality, clarity of presentation, and its relevance to the direction of the journal.
The journal strictly follows the rules of anonymous reviewing, in which data about authors and reviewers are closed to both parties.
All editorial staff members are responsible for disclosing any information about a received manuscript to outside persons other than authors, reviewers, potential reviewers and publishers. The editor and any editorial staff member may not, without the written consent of the authors, disclose information contained in manuscripts submitted for publication to anyone other than reviewers, other editorial advisors and the publisher, if necessary.
Unpublished materials disclosed in the manuscript submitted by the authors may not be used by the editorial staff for the purposes of their own scientific research without the written consent of the authors.
When an ethical complaint is filed or a conflict situation is discovered regarding a submitted manuscript or published article, the editorial board should take reasonable response, in cooperation with the publisher, to restore the violated rights and, when errors are discovered, to facilitate the publication of corrections or retractions. Every report of unethical behavior will be considered, even if it comes years after the article was published.
The editorial board is governed by the following policy on withdrawal (retraction) of publications (see pdf file).
The editors recommend that if requested by research teams and institutes, authors make their data available to other researchers for the purpose of verification and reproduction of the results.
The review process is designed to assist the editorial board in making editorial decisions and can also help the author improve the manuscript being submitted.
If the reviewer chosen by the editorial board does not feel sufficiently qualified to review the manuscript or realizes that he will not be able to prepare a review in the time specified by the editorial board, he should immediately notify the editorial board and withdraw from further reviewing process.
Any material obtained for the review should be treated as confidential. Such material should not be disclosed to or discussed with outsiders without prior approval of the editorial board.
Reviewing should be conducted on an objective basis. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. The reviewer's opinion must be expressed in a clear form and supported by arguments.
It is the responsibility of the reviewer to determine if relevant published works have not been cited in the text of the manuscript or are not listed in the reference list. He should also determine whether all statements, conclusions, and ideas borrowed from other publications are properly cited. If the reviewer finds significant overlap or similarity between the manuscript submitted for review and any other published material known to him, he should notify the editorial board.
Non-disclosable information and ideas received by a reviewer during the review of a manuscript must be treated as confidential and may not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes. Reviewers may not review manuscripts for which they have a conflict of interest due to competitive, collegial, or any other relationship to the authors of the manuscript or to companies or institutions related to the manuscript.
If the manuscript is based on original research, the authors should present reliable results of the work done and an objective discussion of the significance of the study. The manuscript should contain all key data, an accurate description of the study details, and references to ensure reproducibility of the results. Falsification of data or knowingly incorrect statements in the manuscript is considered unethical and unacceptable.
In addition to the manuscript, the editors may ask the authors for source data. The author must be prepared to provide access to them, provided that opening access does not violate the confidentiality of the participants in the experiment or the rights of the person or company who owns the data.
Authors are obliged to send only original works to the editorial board. When citing the work of other authors, accuracy in citation and citation of the source must be observed. Publications that have had a significant influence in the preparation of the study or have determined its format should also be cited.
In general, papers describing the content of the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Sending a manuscript to more than one journal is considered unethical and unacceptable. Copyrighted material that has already been published previously may not be sent to a journal for publication. In addition, materials under consideration in the journal's editorial board may not be sent to another journal for publication as an author's article. When submitting an article, the author must inform the editor of all previous submissions of the work, which may be regarded as duplicate or double publication. The author should warn the editor if the manuscript contains information published by the author in previous submissions or submitted for another publication. In such cases, the new paper should contain references to the preceding material.
The article should always contain references to relevant works of other researchers. Authors should properly cite publications that have influenced the content of the submitted work in order to avoid plagiarism and incorrect borrowings.
The list of authors is limited to those who have made significant contributions to
Each author must participate in the work sufficiently to be publicly responsible for the relevant part of the article's content.
Participation consisting only of securing funding or selecting material for an article does not justify inclusion in an author's group. General management of the research team is also not considered sufficient for authorship.
All participants in certain substantive aspects of the research project presented in the article, who made significant contributions at the article's publication stage but are not considered authors, should be listed as partners and they should be thanked.
The author with whom correspondence for publication is in progress is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors are included as authors, and is also responsible for the intentional inclusion of those who were not involved in the creation and writing of the article in the circle of authors. All persons listed as authors must approve the final manuscript as well as its submission to the journal for publication.
If the work contains empirical data obtained through research on specific people, the author is responsible for ensuring that the submitted publication does not contain information that could harm the interests of people.
The authors may wish to express their gratitude to individuals who may have helped. Sources of research funding should also be noted.
To submit an article to the journal, all authors must sign a statement that there are financial or any other significant conflicts of interest that could be seen as affecting the results of the study or its interpretation. All sources of funding for the work described must be cited.
If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in a published work, it is the author's responsibility to notify the editor as soon as possible and to cooperate on the removal or correction of the article.
According to the results of the review, the article may be sent back to the author for revision. Authors should actively participate in the reviewing process, answering questions in a timely manner and, if necessary, making corrections to the manuscript in accordance with the reviewer's requirements.
All the manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are peer reviewed by two independent experts who are non-members of the Editorial Board of the journal.
The journal provides peer reviewing of all the submitted materials that are within the remit of the journal for expert evaluation. All peer reviewers are the acknowledged experts who specialize in the field relevant to the reviewed materials and have had publications relevant to the topic of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. The peer reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for 5 years.
The article is sent to reviewers without names or contact information of the authors (the so-called blind review).
Reviewers treat the article as confidential material and strictly follow the author’s right for non-disclosure of the data reported in the manuscript before the article is published. The reviewer may engage additional experts only with permission from the Editorial Board and on a confidential basis.
Reviewers’ comments are sent to the author without disclosing the reviewers’ identity. The Editorial Board makes a final decision whether to publish the manuscript or not after the peer reviews and authors’ answers were received. The Editorial Board sends copies of peer reviews or a substantiated rejection to the authors and also sends copies of the peer reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if a request has been received by the Editorial Board.
In some cases, the Editorial Board can send the article for an additional peer review, including statistical and methodological reviewing.
The Editorial Board constantly monitors the quality of peer review using the Russian version of the Review Quality Instrument questionnaire (Version 3.2), van Rooyen S., Black N., Godlee F. J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52:625-9.
The Russian version of the Review Quality Instrument questionnaire is available here (download - MS Word .doc).
The Editorial Board of the journal expects that the review process will help to:
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