The surgical experiment occupies an extremely important place both in the field of scientific medical research in general and in the development of clinical surgery in particular. The traditions of establishing a surgical experiment in Russia have a glorious history. Based on the experience of the surgical departments, first of all, the surgical departments, it is necessary to determine the ways of innovative development of the surgical experiment in the university education.
Analysis of the formation and determine the program of development of experimental surgery in a medical university.
The article summarizes historical material about the formation of experimental surgery in Saratov, the Saratov surgical school and the traditions established by surgeons-professors V. I. Razumovsky and S. I. Spasokukotsky during the period of work at the medical university from 1911 to 1926. The analysis of more than 1.000 surgical experiments at the Department of Operative Surgery of the State Medical University named after YOU. Razumovsky for the past 20 years. Surgical experiments were conducted using simulation equipment, cadaver, biological material, and laboratory animals contained in the university broth.
Topics and results of surgical experiments conducted by students and staff of the Department of Operative Surgery are analyzed. Patented methods of modeling a surgical experiment with a preliminary stage of computer 3D modeling and new innovative methods of postoperative treatment using photodynamic therapy, metal nanoparticles, and laser radiation are presented. On the topics of the conducted research, 7 candidate’s theses were defended, 20 patents for inventions were obtained, and 147 works were published in leading scientific publications.
The main departments on the basis of which experiments are conducted are the departments of operative surgery and topographical (clinical anatomy). Departments must ensure the effective work of the scientific student circle and continuity in training; involve active members of the circle to participate in intra-university, regional and all-Russian Olympiads in surgery; the curators of the department conduct training of students in the “School of Mastery” together with students of clinical departments; to ensure the perfection of students-Kruzhkov students in the field of biomechanical modeling, 3D and digital computer technologies. For the first time, the staff of the department formulated a rational program for streamlining and innovative development of experimental surgery in medical education.