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Abdulyanov I.V.
Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education;
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center
Garaeva L.A.
Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education
Zainetdinov M.R.
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center;
Kazan State Medical University
Surgical Thromboembolectomy Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Journal: Journal of Venous Disorders. 2023;17(4): 329‑337
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To cite this article:
Abdulyanov IV, Garaeva LA, Fedorov SA, Zainetdinov MR, Galiullin AN, Khayrullin RN. Surgical Thromboembolectomy Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Journal of Venous Disorders.
2023;17(4):329‑337. (In Russ.)
To analyze short-term and mid-term outcomes of surgical thromboembolectomy for pulmonary embolism.
The study included 142 patients aged 39-76 years with acute pulmonary embolism. All ones underwent surgical thromboembolectomy, heparin therapy or thrombolytic therapy. We assessed echocardiography parameters before treatment, in short- and mid-term period after recovery.
No difference in mortality was found (p=0.240). Surgical treatment was followed by significantly lower pulmonary artery pressure in short-term period compared to heparin and thrombolysis groups (p<0.001), as well as in mid-term period compared to heparin therapy (p=0.08). In early period, there was significantly decrease in right ventricular dimensions after surgical treatment (p<0.001) and heparin therapy (p=0.004). Surgical treatment was followed by significantly lower tricuspid insufficiency compared to other methods in mid-term period (p<0.001). LV ejection fraction was higher after heparin therapy (p=0.005), while cardiac output in mid-term period was significantly higher after surgical treatment (p<0.001).
Surgical treatment of acute pulmonary embolism may be preferable and provide comparable or superior hemodynamic effect in short- and mid-term period.
Abdulyanov I.V.
Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education;
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center
Garaeva L.A.
Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education
Zainetdinov M.R.
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center;
Kazan State Medical University
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