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Abdulyanov I.V.

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education;
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Garaeva L.A.

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education

Fedorov S.A.

Korolev Specialized Cardiovascular Clinical Hospital

Zainetdinov M.R.

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center;
Kazan State Medical University

Galiullin A.N.

Kazan State Medical University

Khayrullin R.N.

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Surgical Thromboembolectomy Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass


Abdulyanov I.V., Garaeva L.A., Fedorov S.A., Zainetdinov M.R., Galiullin A.N., Khayrullin R.N.

More about the authors

Journal: Journal of Venous Disorders. 2023;17(4): 329‑337

Views: 1210

Downloaded: 4

To cite this article:

Abdulyanov IV, Garaeva LA, Fedorov SA, Zainetdinov MR, Galiullin AN, Khayrullin RN. Surgical Thromboembolectomy Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Journal of Venous Disorders. 2023;17(4):329‑337. (In Russ.)

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