This scientific work describes a new endosurgical technique for transposition of aberrant lower polar renal vessels for the treatment of renovascular hydronephrosis in children. A trans-peritoneal laparoscopic approach to the kidney is used. In the case of renovascular occlusion, aberrant lower polar vessels are determined, causing compression of the ureter at the site of its discharge from the pelvis. By delicate actions, the abnormal vessels are mobilized and freed from adhesions with the parochal segment of the ureter. After the release of the vessels, an intraoperative ultrasound examination is performed, which demonstrates a decrease in the size of the pelvis after complete mobilization of the vessels in the absence of an internal cause of obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment. The diuretic test with the introduction of a bolus of saline and injection of furosemide allows to distinguish the variability of cases of external and internal obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment in aberrant lower polar vessels. Then the aberrant vessels are cranially displaced to the anterior wall of the pelvis and «wrapped» by the anterior pelvis wall without the need to suture the adventitia of the renal vessels. The operation ends with the reconstruction of the dissected perineal tissue and the sealing of the peritoneum with absorbable suture material. With this method of the correction of hydronephrosis, the renal pelvis is not opened and drainage tubes and stents are not inserted. There are additional advantages of «vascular wrapping», which are to shorten the length of hospital stay and reduce the number of complications (no conversions, no urine formation and urinary infection). Transposition of aberrant renal vessels can only be safely performed after an intraoperative diuretic test. This relatively simple operation requires selection of patients in order to guarantee further treatment success.