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Sokolov Yu.Yu.

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Efremenkov A.M.

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education;
Central Clinical Hospital with the clinic of the Management Affair of President Russian Federation

Akopyan M.K.

Saint Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Shuvalov M.E.

Saint Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Utkina T.V.

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Omarova Zh.R.

Saint Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Annular pancreas, choledochal stenosis and pancreaticobiliary maljunction in a child 10 years old


Sokolov Yu.Yu., Efremenkov A.M., Akopyan M.K., Shuvalov M.E., Utkina T.V., Omarova Zh.R.

More about the authors

Journal: Endoscopic Surgery. 2021;27(1): 31‑35

Views: 1779

Downloaded: 61

To cite this article:

Sokolov YuYu, Efremenkov AM, Akopyan MK, Shuvalov ME, Utkina TV, Omarova ZhR. Annular pancreas, choledochal stenosis and pancreaticobiliary maljunction in a child 10 years old. Endoscopic Surgery. 2021;27(1):31‑35. (In Russ.)

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