Purpose of the study to determine the effectiveness of Anvifen in the case of insomnia and meteosensitivity as comorbid stress-induced disorders.
67 patients aged 60—70 years were examined, who were randomly divided into two groups: group 1 — 33 patients (20 men, 13 women), group 2 — 34 patients (19 men, 15 women). The average age of group 1 was 62.7 [61; 65] years, group 2 was 63.1 [60; 66] years (p=0.28). Research methods: questionnaire for scoring subjective characteristics of sleep, assessing the influence of meteosensitivity on daily activity using a numerical rank scale (NRS) for the previous three months. Patients in group 1 took Anvifen 250 mg (capsules) in the morning and afternoon, 500 mg (2 capsules) in the evening at 10 p.m., and upon awakening at night — an additional 250 mg of the drug per capsule. Patients in group 2 took Anvifen powder (extracting it from the capsule) 250 mg in the morning and afternoon, 500 mg in the evening at 10 p.m., and upon awakening at night — an additional 250 mg of the drug. The time from the nightly intake of Anvifen to the onset of sleep was also assessed on a three-degree scale: «fast», «long», «very long». The duration of treatment was 4 weeks.
Baseline results of measured parameters did not differ significantly between groups. After completion of treatment, the total score of subjective sleep characteristics improved in 1st (p=0.00001) and 2nd (p=0.000001) groups. Significant differences from group 1 for the better in group 2 were in «quality of sleep» (p=0.00027) and «quality of awakening» (p=0.00001). Weather sensitivity decreased in 1st (p=0.00001) and 2nd (p=0.000001) groups.
Anvifen showed good effectiveness in the treatment of two comorbid conditions of elderly people — insomnia and meteosensitivity. Using the drug in powder form allows you to get a faster and better effect without side-effects.