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Goryunova A.V.

Russian Medical Academy of Advanced Professional Education

Shevchenko Yu.S.

Russian Medical Academy of Advanced Professional Education

Danilova L.Yu.

Russian Medical Academy of Advanced Professional Education

Goryunov A.V.

Mental Health Research Center

Levin O.S.

Russian Medical Academy of Advanced Professional Education

Voronkova N.A.

Sukhareva Research Practical Center of Children and Adolescents Mental Health

Ermakov A.O.

Sukhareva Research Practical Center of Children and Adolescents Mental Health

Psychopathological disorders at the onset of juvenile parkinsonism in childhood


Goryunova A.V., Shevchenko Yu.S., Danilova L.Yu., Goryunov A.V., Levin O.S., Voronkova N.A., Ermakov A.O.

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To cite this article:

Goryunova AV, Shevchenko YuS, Danilova LYu, Goryunov AV, Levin OS, Voronkova NA, Ermakov AO. Psychopathological disorders at the onset of juvenile parkinsonism in childhood. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2024;124(11‑2):96‑102. (In Russ.)

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