Aim — to study the factors, affecting the effectiveness of acute period rehabilitation in patients after ischemic stroke (IS). Material and methods. We examined 72 patients (average age 63.8 ± 1.3 years) in the acute period of IS who were treated in the neurological department for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Republic of Bashkortostan «Emergency Hospital» (Ufa). All patients underwent clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination. The following scales were used: NIHSS, Rankin, Barthel, Rivermead, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Spielberg — Hanin situational and personal anxiety scale, Beck’s Depression Inventory, A.M. Vain questionnaire for assessment of the severity of autonomic dysfunction, T. Ehlers test and A.M. Schubert’s method of determination of the state of the motivational sphere and risk preparedness. Assessment of the rehabilitation potential was carried out by analyzing the data of the Rehabilitation List. According to the severity of neurological deficit, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 38 (52.7%) patients with mild IS were included in the Group 1 and 34 (47.2%) patients with moderate IS — in Group 2. Results. By the end of the treatment, significant changes in the number of patients with cognitive and depressive disorders, qualitative changes in the levels of personal and situational anxiety in the direction of their reduction were registered. In the vast majority of patients in both groups at the stages of treatment, one or another degree of autonomic nervous system dysfunction was found. Most patients (82.9%) at the beginning of the treatment had an average and high degree of motivation to achieve success in treatment, along with a low and medium level of risk preparedness, which is characteristic of a person aimed at success. According to the complex of factors, 78% of patients had an average and high level of rehabilitation potential. Conclusion. A comprehensive and individual approach to the correction of pathological disorders in patients in the acute period of IS, taking into account the rehabilitation potential, is the key to the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment at the stages of rehabilitation.