Background. The relevance of this ensues from the fact that despite the numerous currently available health promotion training programs for the reduction of body weight, there is still the need for the development of the new forms of the efficacious physical training programs and the methods of motivation for compliance with them among the people of different age, sex and social status. Aims. The objective of the present study was to determine the role of motivational factors, including the assessment of the biological age, in the improvement of the effectiveness of the health promotion training programs for the reduction of the excess body weight. Material and methods. A total of 82 students with overweight and first-degree obesity at the age from 17 to 21 years (average age 18.5±1.4 years) were examined. 42 girls included in the first (main) group spent 9 months performing health promotion training programs on an individual basis developed taking into consideration the motivational factors. The physical training programs included the aerobic exercise in the form of dance classes. 40 students in the control group were engaged in physical training envisaged by the academic curriculum of the university. The third group (the group of comparison) was comprised of 36 practically healthy girls having the normal body weight. We studied the components of the body composition with the use of bioimpedanceometry, evaluated the physical working capacity (the PWC-170 test) and the adaptive reserves of the body (heart rate variability test as proposed by R.M. Baevskyi, Garkavi test). In addition, the psycho-emotional status of the participants was estimated making use of the Lusher test and SAN. The biological age was determined by the original method based on the combination of the morphological and functional indices. Results. The excess body weight in the students comprising group 1 was reduced by 10% on the average; simultaneously the physical working capacity among these students increased by an average of 24.5% while the level of emotional stability and self-esteem increased by 20% and 24%, respectively. We also documented a decrease in the initially increased biological age by 5 years on the average. The students included in group II did not experience any significant changes in the parameters of interest. Conclusions. The consideration of the motivational factors for the development of the training programs designed to promote the reduction of the excessive body weight significantly increases their effectiveness, as evidenced by the improvement of the morpho-functional and psychological characteristics in the students of the first group and its absence in their counterparts included in group II.