The steady increase in the prevalence of behavioral risk factors (BRFs) related to overweight (OW) and obesity, in addition to the rise in incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases, is a threatening trend both in our country and worldwide. The coverage of effective preventive technologies implemented in the course of screening through modification of BRFs, biological factors associated with them and metabolic disorders can reduce the burden of OW and obesity.
To assess the detection rate of overweight and obesity and related behavioral risk factors based on the results of screening of certain population groups.
The analysis included the results of the screening for 2018—2020 according to the form of the sectoral statistical reporting №131/o. The following indicators were determined for evaluation: OW, obesity, unhealthy nutrition (UN), low physical activity according to the criteria of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 124n dated 13.03.2019 in effect which was acted during the analyzed period.
During the analyzed period, there has been a steady increase in the incidence of OW (from 18.9% to 19.9% in women, from 17.7% to 19.2% in men) and obesity (from 6.5% to 7.8% in women, from 4.9% to 5.8% in men). The BRFs associated with OW are highly prevalent among the subjects: one in five is characterized by low physical activity, and one in four does not adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Statistically significant direct correlation between OW and BRFs is shown.
Sex and age features of detection rate and dynamics of overweight and obesity, as well as associated with them behavioral risk factors, such as unhealthy nutrition and low physical activity, are shown. The high correlation between overweight and behavioral risk factors justifies the necessity to consider these risk factors in the development of preventive interventions aimed at controlling and supporting the process of reducing overweight at different levels of adults’ health care providing.