Both acupuncture and drinking mineral water can influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids as well as their hormonal regulation, but the possibility of the application of these therapeutic factors for the correction of insulin resistance has not been studied in the patients presenting with metabolic syndrome. Aim. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects produced by the intake of drinking mineral water and acupuncture on the various parameters characterizing the patients suffering from metabolic syndrome in combination with altered insulin resistance. Material and methods. Ninety patients with this condition included in the study underwent the analysis of their the blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose and lipid levels, insulin and cortisol secretion. Results. We undertook the analysis of the effects of the single and repeated intakes of Essentuki No 17 mineral water included in the combined treatment of the patients with metabolic syndrome and revealed many common responses of the organism to its therapeutic action. Specifically, the stress-type reactions suggested the initiation of the adaptive processes in the system of hormonal regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Simultaneously, the manifestations of insulin resistance became less pronounced indicating that both acupuncture and drinking mineral water suppressed the action of the main pathogenic mechanisms underlying the development of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, it was shown that acupuncture had a stronger hypotensive effect in the combination with the decrease of the overproduction of cortisol whereas the intake of the mineral water had a greater metabolic potential and contributed to the intensification of the basal secretion of glucocorticoids. Both reflexotherapy and drinking mineral water have a well apparent effect on the pathogenetic reactions of the metabolic syndrome and therefore can be used in addition to the standard therapy to activate the non-specific, phylogenetically established and enshrined at the genetic level self-healing responses by mainstreaming the adaptation processes and the formation of the adaptive reactions initiated by stressor components. Conclusions. The addition of acupuncture or domestic mineral water intake to the standard therapy of the patients suffering from metabolic syndrome significantly enhances the effectiveness of the treatment. The beneficial therapeutic action of acupuncture and drinking mineral water is underlain by their impact on the mechanisms of resistance to insulin that manifests itself as a decrease of the fasting secretion of this hormone and optimization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture and drinking mineral water is realized through the induction of the stress-initiating reactions which activate the processes of adaptation, with reflexotherapy largely acting on the cardiovascular system and drinking mineral water on the system responsible for insulin regulation of the metabolic processes.