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Konova O.M.

FGBU "Nauchnyĭ tsentr zdorov'ia deteĭ" RAMN

Dmitrienko E.G.

FGNU "Nauchnyĭ tsentr zdorov'ia deteĭ"

Davydova I.V.

National Medical Research Center of Children’s Health, Moscow;

Zimina E.P.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

Akhmedulina D.I.

FGBU "Nauchnyĭ tsentr zdorov'ia deteĭ" RAMN

Ruzhnova O.N.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

Sakharova E.V.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

Nigmatullina M.V.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

Isaenkova S.V.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

Dmitrienko T.G.

FGBU «Nauchnyj tsentr zdorov'ja detej» RAMN, Lomonosovskij prosp., 2, str. 1, Moskva, Rossijskaja Federatsija, 119991

The evaluation of the effectiveness of electrophoresis in the form of polymineral wipes on the basis of iodine- bromine natural water in the young children suffering from the consequences of perinatal lesions in the central nervous system


Konova O.M., Dmitrienko E.G., Davydova I.V., Zimina E.P., Akhmedulina D.I., Ruzhnova O.N., Sakharova E.V., Nigmatullina M.V., Isaenkova S.V., Dmitrienko T.G.

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To cite this article:

Konova OM, Dmitrienko EG, Davydova IV, et al. . The evaluation of the effectiveness of electrophoresis in the form of polymineral wipes on the basis of iodine- bromine natural water in the young children suffering from the consequences of perinatal lesions in the central nervous system. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2015;92(1):32‑36. (In Russ.)

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