Aim of the study — to increase the effectiveness of treatment of children with catarrhal and secretory stages of exudative otitis media (EOM) through the development of a therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm for the management of children with this condition. Matherial and methods. From 2008 to 2017, 346 children (682 ears) aged from 3 to 13 years with exudative otitis media were examined and treated. Two groups of patients were formed: Group 1 (150 children, 298 ears) - with a catarrhal stage of EOM, group 2 (196 children, 384 ears) - with a secretory stage of EOM. Diagnosis and treatment algorithm was created for such patients based on the results of the examination. Results. Depending on the treatment, 3 groups of patients were formed: Group I - 150 children with a catarrhal stage of EOM who received conservative and surgical treatment for upper respiratory tract conditions; Group II - 146 children with an a secretory stage of EOM, who underwent conservative and surgical treatment: myringotomy / installation of a shunt in the eardrum simultaneously with surgical removal of the block of the auditory tube ostium, a course of conservative treatment for children who did not require surgical treatment; Group III - 50 children with a secretory stage of EOM and grade III adenoids, whose parents, contrary to the doctor’s advice, refused the proposed myringotomy / installation of a shunt in the eardrum simultaneously with surgical removal of the block of the auditory tube ostium. These children underwent only adenotomy. Conclusion. The developed treatment algorithm for children with EOM, depending on the stage of the disease, demonstrated high clinical efficacy and made it possible to achieve stable positive results in 94.7% of cases in patients with the catarrhal stage of ESO and in 84.8% of cases in patients with the secretory stage of ESO, which makes it possible for us to recommend it as an integrated method that improves the quality of treatment for children with EOM.