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Sarkisov A.S.

FGBU "NII istorii meditsiny" RAMN, Moskva

Sarkisov S.A.

Moskovskiĭ gorodskoĭ NII skoroĭ meditsinskoĭ pomoshchi im. N.V. Sklifosovskogo

Contribution of Georg Joseph Beer to development of ophthalmology (for the 250th anniversary)


Sarkisov A.S., Sarkisov S.A.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2013;129(6): 98‑101

Views: 503

Downloaded: 22

To cite this article:

Sarkisov AS, Sarkisov SA. Contribution of Georg Joseph Beer to development of ophthalmology (for the 250th anniversary). Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2013;129(6):98‑101. (In Russ.)

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