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The journal is devoted to diagnostics and treatment of ocular pathology, hygiene of vision, prevention of eye diseases, history of Russian ophthalmology, organization of ophthalmological care, use of technical equipment. It presents original scientific studies and overviews on theoretical and practical issues of current importance for Russian and foreign ophthalmology. It also publishes reviews of ophthalmology books, reports on the activity of ophthalmological scientific societies, chronicles of congresses and conferences.
Language of publication: Russian. English version of the most interesting articles is marked as En-version and available in free access in PDF.
The journal is devoted to diagnostics and treatment of ocular pathology, hygiene of vision, prevention of eye diseases, history of Russian ophthalmology, organization of ophthalmological care, use of technical equipment. It presents original scientific studies and overviews on theoretical and practical issues of current importance for Russian and foreign ophthalmology. It also publishes reviews of ophthalmology books, reports on the activity of ophthalmological scientific societies, chronicles of congresses and conferences.
The journal is intended for ophthalmologists and researchers in the field of ocular diseases and physiology of vision.
"The Russian Annals of Ophthalmology" is included in the Higher Attestation Commission list of journals recommended for publishing thesis materials.
The journal is indexed in RISC (Russian Index of Science Citation), Scopus, Web of Science (Russian Science Citation Index – RSCI), PubMed/Medline, Index Medicus, Current Work in the History of Medicine, Chemical Abstracts, Helminthological Abstracts, Dokumentation Arbeitsmedizin, International Aerospace Abstracts, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar.
1. Russian Index of Science Citation
Analysis of the journal's publication activity
2. Scopus CiteScore
3. SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank)
English version of the most interesting articles is available in FREE access in PDF.
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Sergey Avetisov
Editor-in-Chief, Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Med.Sc.Habil., Scientific Director, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Research Institute of Eye Diseases» (Moscow, Russia)
Vyacheslav M. Sheludchenko
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Prof., MD, PhD., Chief Scientific Associate, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Michail Ivanov
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, D.Med.Sc.Habil., Lead Researcher of the Department for Organizing Scientific Activity, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Natalia L. Sheremet
Executive Secretary, - Grand PhD in Medical sciences, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Mukharram Bikbov
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Director, Ufa Eye Research Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia)
Ernest Boyko
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Director, Saint Petersburg Branch of the Academician S.N. Fyodorov Intersectional Research and Technology Complex "Eye Microsurgery", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Ophthalmology Department, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Alevtina Brovkina
Prof., acad. member of Russian Acad. Med. Sci., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Ophthalmology Department professor, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, (Moscow, Russia)
Maria Budzinskaya
D.Med.Sc.Habil., Head of clinical trails Department, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Marina Guseva
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Prof., Ophthalmology Department of the Pediatric Faculty of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Evgeniy Egorov
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Head of the Ophthalmology Department named after academician A.P. Nesterov, Therapeutic Faculty of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Valery Erichev
Prof., D. Med. Sci., Deputy Director for Research, State Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Irina Panova
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Deputy Director for Science, S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Natalia Serova
Prof., D. Med. Sci., Prof., N.N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir Strakhov
Prof., D.Med.Sc.Habil., Head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Elena P. Tarutta
Prof., D. Med. Sci., Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Sergey Kharlap
D. Med. Sci., Chief Research Scientist, Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Andrei Shchuko
D.Med.Sc.Habil., Director of the Irkutsk Branch of the Academician S.N. Fyodorov Intersectional Research and Technology Complex "Eye Microsurgery", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk, Russia)
Yusef N. Yusef
Prof., MD, PhD, Director, Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Moscow, Russia)
Leonid Balashevich
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Chief Consultant at the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Academician S.N. Fyodorov Intersectional Research and Technology Complex "Eye Microsurgery", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia)
David H Verity
MD, Editorial council, consultant surgeon and adnexal service director, Moorfields Eye Hospital (United Kingdom)
Merab Dvali
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Ophthalmology Department of the Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
Chingiz Jarulla-zade
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Director of the OFKO Private Ophthalmology Clinic (Republic of Azerbaijan)
Yury Ivanishko
Prof., MD, Editorial council, CEO of the InterYuna Ltd., Rostov Ocular Clinic InterYuna (Russia)
Lyudmila Katargina
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Deputy Director for Research of the Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia)
Nataliya I. Kurysheva
MD, PhD, Editorial council, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Institute of Professional Development of the FMBA of Russia (Russia)
Shlomo Melamed
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Full Professor of Ophthalmology of the Tel Aviv University Medical School Israel, Director of thethe Sam Rothberg Glaucoma Center (Israel)
Larisa Moshetova
Prof., Acad. of the RAS, MD, Еditorial council, Rector of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia)
Vladimir Neroev
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Director of the Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia)
Natalia Pasechnikova
Prof., Corr. Member of Ukrainian National Academy of Medical Sciences, MD, Editorial council, Director of the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Alexander Samoylov
Prof., MD, Member of editorial council, Head Ophthalmology Department, Kazan state medical university (Russia)
Vitautas Yashinskas
Prof., MD, Editorial council, Head of the Eye Clinic, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
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When preparing a manuscript, authors should follow Recommendations on conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work in medical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
When reviewing an article, the editorial board can check the material using Anti-plagiarism system. If multiple borrowings are found, the editorial board acts according to the rules COPE.
Contract Offer
In preparing the manuscript, authors should follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
The Editorial Board can check the material using the Anti-Plagiarism system. In the case of multiple borrowings, the Editorial Board operates in accordance with COPE rules.
"The Russian Annals of Ophthalmology" is included in the list of top Russian peer-reviewed journals, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing results of scientific research in the course of thesis preparation. The journal is represented in international information systems and databases and in accordance with their requirements the authors should comply with the following rules.
Submitted manuscripts should be signed by the head of the host organization. An official referral should also be provided (download a blank form of the referral - MS Word.doc), specifying if the article is a part of the author's thesis.
One cannot submit a paper previously accepted or published elsewhere.
Authors are responsible for disclosing financial or other potential conflict of interests that might bias or be seen to bias their work.
The authors are required to indicate the role of sponsors or funders in each of the following: study design, collection and analysis of data, and making the decision to publish the results. If neither the sponsor, nor the funder played such a role, this should be stated in the referral (see above).
It is prohibited to publish patient-identifiable information, i.e. his/her name, initials, or case number on photographs or in illness descriptions and family trees, except for the cases of paramount scientific interest and an informed consent given by the patient or his (her) parents or guardians. Obtaining the informed consent should be stated in the article.
For experiments involving human subjects the authors should specify whether they conform to the local or regional ethical standards as well as to the ethical standards accepted by the 1975 Helsinki Declaration and also the 2000 revised version.
For experiments involving laboratory animals the authors should specify whether they conform to the husbandry conditions accepted by the host organization, recommendations of the national research council, and national legislation.
2. The editors retain the customary right to shorten and alter submitted manuscripts. A manuscript is considered registered on the date its final variant (revised in accordance with the recommendations of the Editorial Staff or the reviewer) is received.
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Each figure should be attached as a separate TIFF, JPEG or PNG image. As to figures that were created or processed using Microsoft Office tools (WORD or POWER POINT), they should be attached as separate files with corresponding extensions (.doc, .docx, .ppt). File names should be given according to figure numbers in the text (e.g., Fig-1, Fig-2a, Fig-2, etc.). Our online submission and editorial system requires that all your images were downloaded as a single .zip or .rar archive.
Captions for figures and photos should be grouped together at the end of the article. General descriptions and the key to abbreviations should be provided. Graph legends should explain the designation of axes and units of measurements. Micrograph captions should indicate the staining method and magnification.
We insist that you send only high-quality images. Please, make sure of high image resolution and large enough letters typed in the images (remember that they should be easy to read when printed).
Captions for figures and photos, notes must be in Russian and English.
Articles should be typed in Times New Roman or Arial (14 pt size, 1.5 spaced, left margin set at 3 cm, other margins - 2 cm). Pages should be enumerated. Automatic hyphenation is not allowed.
An article
18 pages (including illustrations, tables, an abstract and references), review or advisory letter – 3 pages.
In case of multiple authorship a numerical footnote should be applied to each author's surname indicating his/her place of work. If all authors work in the same organization it is not necessary to cite their place of work for each of them.
This information should be presented in both Russian and English. It is recommended that the authors’ surnames are spelled as in their previous publications or transliterated in accordance with the BSI standards (British Standards Institution), see As to organizations, the official English name should be provided.
A separate page should contain additional information on each of the authors as required by the Russian Science Citation Index: surname, first and patronymic names in Russian and transliterated, e-mail and postal address of the organization for correspondence with the authors (can be one for all authors).
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Обратная грибовидная кератопластика в хирургическом лечении буллезной кератопатии
В.Р. Мамиконян, С.В. Труфанов, Н.В. Бородина
ФГБУ «НИИ глазных болезней», Россолимо ул., 11 А, Б, Москва, Российская Федерация, 119021
Top-hat keratoplasty in surgical treatment of bullous keratopathy
V.R. Mamikonyan, S.V. Trufanov, N.V. Borodina
Research Institute of Eye Diseases, 11 A, B, Rossolimo St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119021
The composition of an original article should be the following: an abstract and key words (in both Russian and English), short introduction describing the current state of the problem, aim, material and methods, results and discussion, enumerated findings or conclusion, references.
The article should be brief and clear. It should not contain long historical reviews or reiterations. The manuscript can be supplemented by a glossary (for unobvious terminology).
Besides generally accepted abbreviations and acronyms of units of measurement as well as physical, chemical, and mathematical quantities and terms (e.g. DNA), one can introduce abbreviations of own expressions frequently used in the article. All abbreviations introduced by the author are to be expanded at first mention. Simple words must not be contracted, even if they are often repeated in the text.
Drug doses, units of measurement, and other numerical values should be provided in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
An abstract is the basic information source for Russian and foreign information systems and databases. Despite its necessary brevity, an abstract, like a business card, is meant to be exhaustive. Judging from the abstract, the editor decides whether or not the article is worth reviewing. After the article is published, most potential readers (up to 95% by some estimates) will not read beyond the abstract. Thus, it should be able to explain the essence of the study to the reader and entice him/her into obtaining a copy of the full paper for more details. The size of the abstract depends on the amount of information in the article, its scientific value and/or practical importance, however, has to lie within the range of 200-250 words.
A structured abstract is an essential part of any scientific article that contains experimental or quasi-experimental results, empirical evidence, or systematic review. Its informative value is usually higher than that of an ordinary unstructured abstract. It may be also easier to read and remember. Moreover, a structured abstract ensures higher visibility of the article in international databases, which ultimately influences its citation potential.
A structured abstract should include five sections in chronological order: Rationale, Aim, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Rationale – a brief (1-3 sentences) description of the problem that necessitated the study. The problem can be characterized by its scale, mediated effects, and/or lack of scientific knowledge.
Aim – this section is to define the primary aim, or the main question of the study. Please, note that the aim should be as concrete as possible without boiling down to overall comparisons.
Methods – this section is meant to provide the following information:
The necessity of specifying statistical tests and software will be addressed individually by the editor.
Results – this section should provide further details on study participants (such as the number of those enrolled and those who completed the study as well as some major characteristics of the latter) and evaluate the outcomes that correspond with the primary aim. It is possible to present the results from 2-3 subgroups divided by age, sex, clinical features, etc. Adverse effects, if any, must be reported. Statistical measures (p value) should be given with an accuracy of three decimal places. When investigating multi-criteria relationships (e.g. one dependant and several independent variables), please, provide the results of multifactorial analyses.
CONCLUSION – a summary of study results that correspond with its primary aim (1-3 sentences). Authors are advised to avoid excessive generalization and balance their appraisal of positive and negative effects of an intervention.
A structured abstract should not exceed 250 words. Appropriateness of a larger abstract is discussed individually.
Commercial names of medical products are not allowed in the abstract.
When reporting the results of a randomized trial, the Consort Statement should be complied with. Thus, an abstract is to include the following sections:
Abstracts of systematic reviews should follow PRISMA recommendations (for reviewing randomized trials) and include the following sections:
Non-systemic reviews, case reports, and opinion articles usually have unstructured abstracts. Narrative logic should, however, remain: one proceeds from presenting the problem to suggesting a solution and describing own results. Unstructured abstracts should not exceed 150 words.
should reflect the topic of the article. One can use some particular terms from the text, key terms in the field, or other relevant expressions able to improve search results. It is not recommended to repeat words from the title.
All tables should be enumerated and named. Clipped words are not allowed. Data in the table must be coincident with corresponding data in the text and treated statistically. The tables may be given either in the text, or on separate pages.
Signatures and all text data must be sent in Russian and English!
are to be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE). Reference accuracy guarantees that the citations will be taken into account when assessing scientific public activity of the corresponding authors and their host organizations.
The maximum number of references for original articles is 30, literature reviews - 60, lectures and other materials – 15. Besides fundamental works, the list should include relevant publications over the last 5 years.
References should be numbered and ordered sequentially as they appear in the text.
In-text reference numbers should be in square brackets.
References to unpublished works are not allowed.
According to new reference guidelines that consider requirements of Web of Science and Scopus indices, bibliographic descriptions for Non-Latin References should be provided in not only their source languages, but also in Latin.
Thus, in order to be included in citation indices and DOI-CrossRef system, reference lists should be displayed as described below.
When referencing a journal article, always include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier in the CrossRef system). DOI search should be done at or To start the search, type in the English title of the article. The latter website is able to provide you with not only the DOI, but also a full bibliographic description in AMA style. One should keep in mind that most journal articles (including many Russian-language ones) published after 2013 are registered in the CrossRef system and have a DOI.
Preparing Russian-language references for importation into international citation indices.
1. Journal articles. Authors’ surnames and initials as well as the English title of the article should be identical to those in the original publication. Journal name that follows should be transliterated according to the BSI standard (can be done automatically at ). Then come publication details (year, volume, issue, and pages). Source language should be indicated in parentheses. At the end of the description, the DOI should be given (if available). For example:
Belaia Z, Rozhinskaia L, Mel'nichenko G, Sitkin I, Dzeranova L, Marova E, Vaks V, Vorontsov A, Il'in A, Kolesnikova G, Dedov I. The role of prolactin gradient and normalized ACTH/prolactin ratio in the improvement of sensitivity and specificity of selective blood sampling from inferior petrosal sinuses for differential diagnostics of ACTH-dependent hypercorticism. Problemy endokrinologii. 2013;59(4):3-10. (In Russ.).
One should not cite journal articles that have no English title.
Citations from theses, theses abstracts, conference proceedings, etc. are not allowed.
2. All other sources should be transliterated according to the BSI standards but preserving their original stylesheets. Source language should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the description. Example: Gilyarevskii S.R. Miokardity: sovremennye podkhody k diagnostike i lecheniyu. M.: Media Sfera; 2008. (In Russ.).
Footnote: If the source was translated into English, please, indicate the translation, and not transliteration.
Please pay attention! The only correct form of doi-link:
Do not use «doi:», «», etc. Within the link only hyphen is used.
There is no dot after doi and URL!
For all your bibliographic entries, regardless the source language, please, apply the AMA Reference Style (
Sample bibliographic entries:
Source type | Russian-language material | Non-Russian language material |
Regular journal article | Белая Ж.Е., Рожинская Л.Я., Мельниченко Г.А., Ситкин И.И., Дзеранова Л.К., Марова Е.И., Вакс В.В., Воронцов А.В., Ильин А.В., Колесникова Г.С., Дедов И.И. Роль градиента пролактина и АКТГ/пролактин-нормализованного отношения для повышения чувствительности и специфичности селективного забора крови из нижних каменистых синусов для дифференциальной диагностики АКТГ-зависимого гиперкортицизма. Проблемы эндокринологии. 2013;59(4):3-10. [...] | Vega K. Heart Transplantation Is Associated with an Increased Risk for Pancreaticobiliary Disease. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1996;124(11):980. |
Journal article within an appendix | Самсонов С.Н., Петрова П.Г., Соколов В.Д., Стрекаловская А.А., Макаров Г.А., Иванов К.И. Гелиогеофизическая возмущенность и обострения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2005;(14)(прил. Инсульт):18-22.[...] | Crinò L, Cappuzzo F. Present and future treatment of advanced non–small cell lung cancer. Seminars in Oncology. 2002;29(3)(suppl 9):9-16. |
Book (authors) | Гиляревский С.Р. Миокардиты: современные подходы к диагностике и лечению. М.: Медиа Сфера; 2008.[...] | Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996. |
Book (edited) |
Whole book: Инфекции, передаваемые половым путем. Под ред. Аковбяна В.А, Прохоренкова В.И., Соколовского Е.В. М.: Издательство Медиа Сфера; 2007. [...] Part of the book: Инфекции, передаваемые половым путем. Под ред. Аковбяна В.А, Прохоренкова В.И., Соколовского Е.В. М.: Издательство Медиа Сфера; 2007:11-33.[...] |
Whole book: Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, eds. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996. Part of the book: Lewinsohn P. Depression in adolescents. In: Gottlib IH, Hammen CL, eds. Handbook of Depression. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2002:541-553. |
Legal documents (draft laws, codes, resolutions, warrants, federal standards, rules) (only open access publications) |
Федеральный закон Российской Федерации №323-Ф3 от 21 ноября 2011 г. «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан Российской Федерации». Ссылка активна на 12.12.2014. [...] | |
Patents (only open access publications) | Патент РФ на изобретение №2193864/ 10.12.02. Бюл. №34. Газазян М.Г., Пономарева Н.А., Иванова О.Ю. Способ ранней диагностики вторичной плацентарной недостаточности. Ссылка активна на 12.12.2014. [...] | Rabiner RA, Hare BA, inventors; OmniSonics Medical Technologies Inc, assignee. Apparatus for removing plaque from blood vessels using ultrasonic energy. US patent 6,866,670. March 15, 2005. |
Media and online materials | Протокол исследования больных с нарушениями сна [архив]. Ссылка активна на 12.12.2014. [...] | Hormone replacement therapy [audio]. National Public Radio. August 5, 2002. Accessed March 4, 2004. |
Electronic journal article | Полуэктов М.Г. Первичные и вторичные инсомнии и расстройства дыхания во сне. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2011;111(9)(2):10-18. Ссылка активна на 12.12.2014. [...] | Duchin JS. Can preparedness for biological terrorism save us from pertussis? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158(2):106-107. Accessed June 1, 2004. |
The Editorial Office can be contacted as follows:
Nadezhda Petrovna Solov’eva, Managing Editor
The Editorial Board of the journal complies with the ethical standards approved by the international scientific community. The Editorial Board uses the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The Editorial Board is responsible for making decisions which of the submitted manuscripts will be accepted for publication. The Editorial Board makes the decision regarding a publication based on the journal’s policy, taking into account the current authors’ rights legislation and avoiding defamation and plagiarism. The editorial evaluation of the manuscript is independent of race, ethnicity and gender, religion, citizenship, or political views of the authors. Decision whether to publish an article or not is based exclusively on its scientific relevance, originality, clarity of presentation, and correspondence of the topic to journal’s specialization.
All the Editorial Board members are responsible for disclosing any information about the submitted manuscript to individuals other than authors, peer reviewers, potential peer reviewers, or publishers.
The unpublished materials disclosed in the submitted manuscript cannot be used by the Editorial Board members for their own research without written permission from the authors.
In case of an ethical complaint or a conflict situation regarding the manuscript or the published article, the Editorial Board should undertake reasonable countermeasures, together with the publisher, to restore the violated rights. If errors are revealed, the Editorial Board should assist in publishing corrections or refutations. Each reported case of unethical behavior will be considered, even if submitted several years after the article had been published.
The editorial board is guided by the following policy regarding the retraction of publications (download .pdf).
The review process is aimed at facilitating the Editorial Board in editorial decision-making and may also help the author to improve the manuscript.
If a reviewer selected by the Editorial Board does not feel competent for reviewing the manuscript or feels that it is not possible to meet the deadline of the review, he/she should promptly notify the Editorial Board and decline to perform the review.
Any material under review should be regarded as confidential. The material should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside the review process unless approved by the editor.
Reviewing should be objective. Subjective critique of the author is not allowed. Reviewer’s opinion should be stated clearly and supported by arguments.
The reviewer is responsible for determining the cases when the relevant publications have not been cited in the manuscript or listed in the References section. Furthermore, the reviewer should determine whether all the statements, conclusions, and ideas borrowed from other publications had the corresponding references. If the reviewer detects that the manuscript under review significantly coincides with or is similar to another known publication, he/she should notify the Editorial Board.
Non-disclosable information and ideas must be regarded as confidential and cannot be used for one’s personal advantage. Experts should not review manuscripts if they have any possible conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the manuscript authors, as well as companies or institutions related to the manuscript.
If the manuscript is based on an original study, the authors must submit the reliable results of their work and an objective discussion of significance of the study. The manuscript should contain all the key data, accurate description of the study details and references in order to ensure reproducibility of the results. Data falsification or the intentionally invalid statements in the manuscript are regarded as unethical and are inappropriate.
The Editorial Board can request the authors to submit raw data in addition to the manuscript. The author must be ready to provide public access to these data, provided that public access to the data violates neither confidentiality of the research participants nor rights of an individual or a company owning these data.
Authors must submit only original studies. Authors must properly and accurately acknowledge the work of others. Publications that had significantly contributed to preparing the study or underlied its design should also be acknowledged.
In general, materials describing the contents of the same study should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the manuscript to more than one journal is considered unethical and inappropriate. Copyrighted materials that have already been published cannot be submitted to the journal. Furthermore, materials under consideration by the Editorial Board must not be submitted to be published elsewhere. When submitting an article, the author must inform the editor about all the previous presentations of the study that can be regarded as a duplicate publication. The author must notify the editor if the manuscript contains the information published by the author in previous reports or submitted for publication elsewhere. In this case, the new article should contain references to the previously published material.
Authorship is limited to the individuals that have made a significant contribution to 1) conception and design of the study; data acquisition and interpretation; 2) preparing the first draft of the article or editing the article to improve its quality; and 3) final approval of the manuscript for publication. Each author must participate in the study to an extent sufficient to take public responsibility for the corresponding part of the content of his/her article. Involvement consisting in funding or selecting material for the article is not sufficient reason for inclusion in the list of authors. General guidance of the research group is not sufficient for including in the list of authors.
All the authors must approve the final manuscript and its submission to the journal for publication.
When submitting an article to the journal, all authors must sign the form disclosing financial or any other substantive conflict of interest that can be considered to have influenced the study results or their interpretation. All funding sources of the submitted studies must be specified.
After the peer review process, the article can be sent to the author for improvement. Authors should be actively involved in the review process: promptly answer the questions and, if necessary, correct the manuscript in accordance with the reviewer’s comments.
All the manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are peer reviewed by two independent experts who are non-members of the Editorial Board of the journal.
The journal provides peer reviewing of all the submitted materials that are within the remit of the journal for expert evaluation. All peer reviewers are the acknowledged experts who specialize in the field relevant to the reviewed materials and have had publications relevant to the topic of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. The peer reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for 5 years.
The article is sent to reviewers without names or contact information of the authors (the so-called blind review).
Reviewers treat the article as confidential material and strictly follow the author’s right for non-disclosure of the data reported in the manuscript before the article is published. The reviewer may engage additional experts only with permission from the Editorial Board and on a confidential basis.
Reviewers’ comments are sent to the author without disclosing the reviewers’ identity. The Editorial Board makes a final decision whether to publish the manuscript or not after the peer reviews and authors’ answers were received. The Editorial Board sends copies of peer reviews or a substantiated rejection to the authors and also sends copies of the peer reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if a request has been received by the Editorial Board.
In some cases, the Editorial Board can send the article for an additional peer review, including statistical and methodological reviewing.
The Editorial Board constantly monitors the quality of peer review using the Russian version of the Review Quality Instrument questionnaire (Version 3.2), van Rooyen S., Black N., Godlee F. J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52:625-9.
The Russian version of the Review Quality Instrument questionnaire is available here (download - MS Word .doc).
The Editorial Board of the journal expects that the review process will help to:
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