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Eremenko A.A.

Otdelenie kardioreanimatsii i intensivnoĭ terapii FGBU RNTsKh im. akad. B.V. Petrovskogo RAMN, Moskva

Zulyaeva T.P.

Petrovsky Russian Research Center for Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Postoperative acute respiratory failure in cardiac surgery


Eremenko A.A., Zulyaeva T.P.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2019;(8): 5‑11

Views: 15582

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To cite this article:

Eremenko AA, Zulyaeva TP. Postoperative acute respiratory failure in cardiac surgery. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2019;(8):5‑11. (In Russ., In Engl.)

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