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Minaev S.V.

Kafedra detskoĭ khirurgii s kursom anesteziologii i reanimatologii GOU VPO Stavropol'skaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia Federal'nogo agentstva po zdravookhraneniiu i sotsial'nomu razvitiiu

Bykov N.I.

Regional Children Clinical Hospital, Stavropol, Russia

Isaeva A.V.

Stavropol State Medical University, Russian Federation

Kachanov A.V.

Stavropol State Medical University, Russian Federation;
Regional Children Clinical Hospital, Stavropol, Russia

Tovkan E.A.

Regional Children Clinical Hospital, Stavropol, Russia

Filip’yeva N.V.

Stavropol State Medical University, Russian Federation

Gerasimenko I.N.

Stavropol State Medical University, Russian Federation

The complications of intestinal stoma in children


Minaev S.V., Bykov N.I., Isaeva A.V., Kachanov A.V., Tovkan E.A., Filip’yeva N.V., Gerasimenko I.N.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2017;(1): 54‑57

Views: 4120

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To cite this article:

Minaev SV, Bykov NI, Isaeva AV, Kachanov AV, Tovkan EA, Filip’yeva NV, Gerasimenko IN. The complications of intestinal stoma in children. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2017;(1):54‑57. (In Russ.)

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