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Kozlov Yu.A.

Gorodskaia Ivano-Matreninskaia detskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa, Irkutsk;
Irkutskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia poslediplomnogo obrazovaniia

Kovalkov K.A.

Irkutsk State Medical University Pediatric city clinical hospital, Kemerovo

Chubko D.M.

Regional pediatric clinical hospital, Krasnoyarsk

Rasputin A.A.

Gorodskaia Ivano-Matreninskaia detskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa, Irkutsk;
Irkutskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ meditsinskiĭ universitet;
Irkutskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia poslediplomnogo obrazovaniia

Veber I.N.

Irkutsk Municipal Pediatric Clinical Hospital, Irkutsk

Baradieva P.Zh.

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Timofeev A.D.

Irkutsk Municipal Pediatric Clinical Hospital, Irkutsk, center of surgery and intensive care of the newborns, Irkutsk, Russia;
Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Zvonkov D.A.

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Multicentral study of thoracoscopic treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia


Kozlov Yu.A., Kovalkov K.A., Chubko D.M., Rasputin A.A., Veber I.N., Baradieva P.Zh., Timofeev A.D., Zvonkov D.A.

More about the authors

Journal: Endoscopic Surgery. 2018;24(5): 10‑18

Views: 733

Downloaded: 11

To cite this article:

Kozlov YuA, Kovalkov KA, Chubko DM, et al. . Multicentral study of thoracoscopic treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Endoscopic Surgery. 2018;24(5):10‑18. (In Russ.)

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