Aim. The purpose of this study is development a full risk assessment of the risk of failure gastrostomy outcome in children and the formation on the basis on a multifactor model of a calculator, which makes it possible to isolate a group of patients at high risk of treatment failure. Material and methods. In period from january 2012 to december 2016, 90 operations installing a gastrostomy tube using laparoscopy and 44 operations using laparotomy were performed. To search for major factors, affecting to occurrence of complications after gastrostomy, regression analysis in the form of binary logistic regression was used. As the factors proposed to affect the GO, were selected: age, weight, diagnosis, surgical intervention (open surgery or laparoscopy), simultaneous operations (Nissen anti-reflux procedure — Nissen’s ARP, ventriculoperitoneal shunting — VPS, tracheostomy). Results. The regression analysis used in the study was preferred as factors significantly influencing the possibility of development complications after gastrostomy, the age and weight of the patient, its diagnosis, the method of operation and the presence of simultaneous operation by Nissen. It was found that the effect of all selected factors, except diagnosis (p=0.467) is significant (p<0.05). The calculator, based on the multifactor model, allowed estimating the probability of complications after gastrostomy. Conclusion. Thus, the binary logistic model used in the study successfully solved the problem of classifying patients who had installed gastrostomy tube and helped create a prognostic scale that provides an opportunity to determine the probability and risk of complications after gastrostomy, as well as a prognosis the outcome of the disease.