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Lokhmatov M.M.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health;
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)
Korolev G.A.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Budkina T.N.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Oldakovskiy V.I.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Tupylenko A.V.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Anushenko A.O.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Kulikov K.A.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa in the Distal Part of Esophagus in a 13-yers old child: clinical case
Journal: Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology. 2023;12(1): 109‑113
Views: 14676
Downloaded: 137
To cite this article:
Lokhmatov MM, Korolev GA, Budkina TN, Oldakovskiy VI, Tupylenko AV, Anushenko AO, Kulikov KA. Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa in the Distal Part of Esophagus in a 13-yers old child: clinical case. Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology.
2023;12(1):109‑113. (In Russ.)
The clinical case of a child with a large area of heterotopic gastric mucosa in the esophagus is presented.
A 13-year-old boy with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), autoimmune thyroiditis (hypertrophic form), delayed psycho-speech development, and cardiac arrhythmia presented to the Children’s Health Center complaining of abdominal pain and belching. The barium swallow revealed no signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). On EGD, regions of heterotopic mucosa were discovered in the upper and lower thirds of the esophagus, with a maximum size of 3x2 cm. Heterotopy underwent multiple biopsies. According to its morphology, heterotopic tissue corresponds to the stomach. After 8 months, the areas of heterotopia on the control EGDS are unaltered. The patient is now taking antisecretory and antireflux therapy.
Heterotopic gastric mucosa in the esophagus is a frequent malformation. Usually, ectopic areas are small and do not cause any symptoms. However, there are «large areas» of heterotopia that may have clinical manifestations, such as pain, heartburn, and dysphagia. Large areas of heterotopia (in the lower third of the esophagus) must be differentiated from Barrett’s esophagus. Given the macroscopic image («detachment» from the z-line, irregular placement), as well as the absence of GERD on barium swallow, there was no doubt that the patient had heterotopia and not mucosal metaplasia. It’s important to note that people with heterotopic gastric mucosa have a higher risk of developing cancer. Control EGDS must be performed to assess areas of heterotopia in dynamics for cancer prevention.
Lokhmatov M.M.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health;
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)
Korolev G.A.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Budkina T.N.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Oldakovskiy V.I.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Tupylenko A.V.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Anushenko A.O.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
Kulikov K.A.
National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health
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