Development of original methodological approaches to annotation and labeling of histological images in relation to the problem of automatic segmentation of the layers of the stomach wall.
Three image collections were used in the study: NCT-CRC-HE-100K, CRC-VAL-HE-7K, and part of the PATH-DT-MSU collection. The used part of the original PATH-DT-MSU collection contains 20 histological images obtained using a high performance digital scanning microscope.
Each image is a fragment of the stomach wall, cut from the surgical material of gastric cancer and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Images were obtained using a scanning microscope Leica Aperio AT2 (Leica Microsystems Inc., Germany), annotations were made using Aperio ImageScope 12.3.3 (Leica Microsystems Inc., Germany).
A labeling system is proposed that includes 5 classes (tissue types): areas of gastric adenocarcinoma (TUM), unchanged areas of the lamina propria (LP), unchanged areas of the muscular lamina of the mucosa (MM), a class of underlying tissues (AT), including areas of the submucosa, own muscular layer of the stomach and subserous sections, image background (BG). The advantage of this marking technique is to ensure high efficiency of recognition of the muscularis lamina (MM) — a natural «line» separating the lamina propria of the mucous membrane and all other underlying layers of the stomach wall. The disadvantages of the technique include a small number of classes, which leads to insufficient detailing of automatic segmentation.
In the course of the study, an original technique for labeling and annotating images was developed, including 5 classes (types of tissues). This technique is effective at the initial stages of teaching mathematical algorithms for the classification and segmentation of histological images. Further stages in the development of a real diagnostic algorithm to automatically determine the depth of invasion of gastric cancer require the correction and development of the presented method of marking and annotation.