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Rasstrigina I.M.

Laboratoriia patologii zhenskoĭ reproduktivnoĭ sistemy FGBU "NII morfologii cheloveka" RAMN, Moskva

Milovanov A.P.

Laboratoriia patologii zhenskoĭ reproduktivnoĭ sistemy NII morfologii cheloveka RAMN, Moskva

Fokina T.V.

Laboratoriia patologii zhenskoĭ reproduktivnoĭ sistemy FGBU "NII morfologii cheloveka" RAMN, Moskva

Kadyrov M.

Meditsinskiĭ fakul'tet Instituta anatomii i kletochnoĭ biologii g. Aakhena

The intensity of expression of matrix metalloproteinases type 2 and type 9 by invasive trophoblast cells in uncomplicated pregnancy and preeclampsia


Rasstrigina I.M., Milovanov A.P., Fokina T.V., Kadyrov M.

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To cite this article:

Rasstrigina IM, Milovanov AP, Fokina TV, Kadyrov M. The intensity of expression of matrix metalloproteinases type 2 and type 9 by invasive trophoblast cells in uncomplicated pregnancy and preeclampsia. Russian Journal of Archive of Pathology. 2014;76(3):24‑29. (In Russ.)

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