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Berezhnaya S.V.

Kazan, Municipal health care «City hospital №6»

Iakupov É.Z.

Kafedra nevrologii, neĭrokhirurgii i meditsinskoĭ genetiki Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta

Zaharov Yu.A.

Institut of Physics of Kazan Volga Region Federal University, Kazan, Russia

The efficacy of combination therapy with mexidol and cerebrolysin in chronic cerebral ischemia


Berezhnaya S.V., Iakupov É.Z., Zaharov Yu.A.

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To cite this article:

Berezhnaya SV, Iakupov ÉZ, Zaharov YuA. The efficacy of combination therapy with mexidol and cerebrolysin in chronic cerebral ischemia. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2016;116(5):23‑27. (In Russ.)

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