Hepatic encephalopathy is an early and severe complication of obstructive jaundice and is characterized by occurrence of non-focal and focal neurological manifestations. Different methods of therapy are applied for disorder correction. Low-intensity laser blood irradiation has a pronounced antioxidant and vasoactive effect.
To analyze the results of pharmaceutical treatment and low-intensity laser therapy use in encephalopathy correction in obstructive jaundice of non-neoplastic origin.
The study was performed at the surgery department in the S.V. Katkov Republican Clinical Hospital (Saransk). The trial included 54 patients with moderate obstructive jaundice of non-neoplastic origin with latent encephalopathy, who were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group (control) consisted of 27 patients receiving standard pharmaceutical treatment; the 2nd group (study) — 27 patients receiving standard treatment and laser therapy (low-intensity laser irradiation in red emission at the cubital vein projection for 15 minutes). A comparative group (norm) included 20 healthy volunteers. All patients underwent biochemical studies (alanine aminotransferase and total bilirubin levels in the blood were assessed) after treatment. Registration of microcirculatory disorders and psychometric testing were conducted to reveal latent hepatic encephalopathy along with the evaluation of liver functional condition.
Correlation analysis showed the association of psychoneurological status improvement with liver functional condition (indicators of microcirculation and biochemical blood analysis were considered) in patients receiving a comprehensive therapy with laser irradiation. Correlation coefficient amounted to 0.87—0.96 (p<0.05)
The use of above vascular laser blood irradiation in a comprehensive treatment of moderate obstructive jaundice leads to improvement of liver functional condition (the first barrier organ on the toxin pathway) and to a significant reduction of latent encephalopathy’s manifestations. The conducted treatment resulted in a reduction of initially elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase and total bilirubin. Laser therapy has an ability to restore microcirculation that leads to the improvement of psychoneurological status in patients with moderate obstructive jaundice.