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Miryutova N.F.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Badalov N.G.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Gameeva E.V.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Stepanova A.M.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Effectiveness of spinal traction in degenerative spine diseases. (A literature review)
Journal: Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2024;101(4): 60‑69
Views: 520
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To cite this article:
Miryutova NF, Badalov NG, Gameeva EV, Stepanova AM. Effectiveness of spinal traction in degenerative spine diseases. (A literature review). Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy.
2024;101(4):60‑69. (In Russ.)
Back pain is one of the most urgent healthcare problems in many countries of the world. The high prevalence of the disease among persons of working age, the high disability indices and the high economic losses determine the relevance of this problem and its epidemiological and socio-economic significance.
To analyze sources of scientific and technical literature and study materials of meta-analyses, systematic reviews on the issues of evaluation of the spinal traction effectiveness (dry and underwater, horizontal and vertical) in the treatment of patients with degenerative spine diseases.
An analysis of 67 sources, including 54 periodical articles, 5 meta-analyses and 8 systematic reviews was conducted. The search depth was 20 years.
The ability of the spinal traction method to influence on the pain intensity, functional state, general improvement or return to work in patients with degenerative spine diseases has been identified. There has been a statistically significant regression of lumbar and radicular pain under the influence of «dry» horizontal tractions of the spine (13389 patients with degenerative spine diseases received them), including in combination with physiotherapy (vibration, impulse currents, laser therapy), and there has been an improvement in the motor function of the spine, a decrease in the disability rate in patients with herniated disks. These results were also obvious in short-term observation (up to 3 months after intervention). Underwater traction (5533 patients received it) had a positive impact on pain syndrome at rest and during activity, increased the activity of patients. All registered effects were related to short-term effect for up to 3 months after the intervention.
The evidence, based on the materials of meta-analyses and systematic reviews of medium and low quality, that «dry» and underwater spinal traction can be considered as a therapeutic tool for short-term (within 3 months) reducing pain and disability in patients with lumbar pain and lumbar radiculopathy, is presented.
Miryutova N.F.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Badalov N.G.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Gameeva E.V.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
Stepanova A.M.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency
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