To evaluate the effect of the preventive course of drinking mineral water enriched with selenium on the processes of resistance to the damaging action of reversible occlusion of the anterior mesenteric artery based on the comparison of intestinal morphological changes in the experiment.
There has been modeled ischemic reperfusion injury of the intestinal wall according to H. Ikeda and co-authors using reversible occlusion of the anterior mesenteric artery with 33 outbred male rats. The rats were divided into four groups by block randomization: the 1st group — intact animals (n=7) — without an exposure; the control group — sham operated animals (n=6); the group of comparison (n=7) — with a model-operation; the experimental group (n=11) — animals with a model operation that had courses of intragastric watering of bottled sulfate-chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium low-mineralized (2.2 g/l) drinking mineral water «Psyzh» enriched with selenium. Biopsies of the small intestine were taken for histological examination.
Histological examination of the small intestine of experimental animals determines various degrees of severity of damage: on average, the animals of the experimental group on the scale of C.J. Chiu (1970) had the lowest degree of severity of pathological changes, the animals of the group of comparison — 1.4 times higher (p=0.02). That is, the effect of a preventive course of mineral water «Psyzh» enriched with selenium was manifested in the formation of resistance to the damaging effect of reversible occlusion of the anterior mesenteric artery; in the presence of ischemic reperfusion damage to the intestinal wall, comparable in severity to changes with the animals without prevention, the most significant positive effect was realized in the containment of reactive changes.
The effect of the preventive course of drinking mineral water «Psyzh» enriched with selenium manifested itself in the formation of resistance to the damaging effect of reversible occlusion of the anterior mesenteric artery, which is the basis for introducing this technique into clinical practice in order to prevent the development of reperfusion injuries of the intestine.