In recent years, the improvement of the system of medical rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident has acquired special social significance due to the high morbidity.
To study the effect of the combined use of a multifunctional platform and massage with a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field on the motor functions of the lower limb, coordination and balance, as well as on the psychoemotional status and quality of life of patients after an ischemic stroke with hemiparesis in the late recovery period.
The article presents data on the treatment of 120 patients who had an ischemic stroke with movement disorders in the form of hemiparesis with an increase in muscle tone by the type of spasticity in the late recovery period. All patients received standard drug therapy and underwent medical rehabilitation. The patients were divided into 3 groups: the main group — 40 patients who received massage with a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and training on a multifunctional platform with biofeedback (BFB) — COBS (mtd-Systems, Germany), a comparison group — 40 patients who received training on a multifunctional platform with biofeedback (BFB), control group — 40 patients.
In the initial state, all patients included in the study showed an uneven distribution of the load in the protocols «normal standing position» and «standing balance» with an advantage towards the healthy leg. After the course of treatment in the patients of the main group, all the evaluated indices were normalized, in the patients of the comparison group statistically significant less pronounced results were obtained, and in the patients of the control group only a positive trend was noted. When studying the quality of life and the effectiveness of treatment according to the EQ-5D questionnaire in the examined patients in the initial state, the indicator averaged 7.8±0.8 points. After the course of treatment, the patients of the main group showed a statistically significant decrease in the indicators of the EQ-5D questionnaire from 7.8±0.8 points in the initial state to 5.1±1.1 (p<0.001), which lasted up to 6 months. In patients of the comparison group in all periods of observation, a decrease in the indicator was also noted, but less pronounced, in patients in the control group, only a positive trend. The data were supported by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score.
The use of complex rehabilitation with the inclusion of a multifunctional platform with biofeedback and electrostatic massage contributes to a pronounced improvement in the functional state of muscle tone, coordination and balance, a significant decrease in the level of anxiety and depression and has a pronounced positive effect on the quality of life and assessment of the health status of patients with hemiparesis in late recovery period after ischemic stroke.