Вased on the innovative «kinesio-taping» technique proposed by the Japanese researcher Kenzo Kace, we have designed a new physiotherapeutic complex including the well-known physiotherapeutic methods of lymphatic drainage with intermittent pneumatic compression and underwater massage shower. The objective of our study was to evaluate the efficiency of the application of the «kinesio-taping» technique for the non-pharmacological rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with stage I—III lymphedema of the lower sextremities. The secondary objective was to evaluate the possibility of correction of endothelial dysfunction in the patients with lymphedema after the application of the «kinesio-taping» technique. The study included 30 patients with stage I—III lymphedema of the lower extremities randomized into two groups. Group 1 was comprised of 15 patients who were consistently treated by a combination of intermittent pneumatic compression, «kinesio-taping», and underwater massage shower. Group 2 contained 15 patients treated with the use of intermittent pneumatic compression and underwater massage shower. The results of study give evidence of positive changes in microcirculation of the patients comprising group 1 that suggest the improvement of endothelial function, vasodilation of pre-capillaries, enhancement of the blood flow in the microcirculatory system, and reduction of the influence of the ineffective shunting blood flow. The data obtained confirm the effectiveness of the new non-pharmacological rehabilitation complex that includes the innovative lymph-draining method of kinesio-taping, intermittent pneumatic compression and underwater massage shower for the treatment of patients with lymphedema of the lower extremities. The effectiveness of this complex is due to combined stimulation of the lymphatic and venous drainage systems and coupled to the stimulation of blood flow in the microcirculatory bed and the formation of a positive endothelial response.