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Egorova E.V.

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Kildyushov E.M.

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Burenchev D.V.

Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Department of Health

Possibilities of using results of head computed tomography in victims with traumatic brain injuries


Egorova E.V., Kildyushov E.M., Burenchev D.V.

More about the authors

Journal: Forensic Medical Expertise. 2024;67(3): 24‑28

Views: 373

Downloaded: 1

To cite this article:

Egorova EV, Kildyushov EM, Burenchev DV. Possibilities of using results of head computed tomography in victims with traumatic brain injuries. Forensic Medical Expertise. 2024;67(3):24‑28. (In Russ.)

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