To improve the quality of medical care for women of reproductive age by studying the morbidity dynamics in pregnant women and constructing long-term prognoses up to 2025 for certain nosological forms of diseases and gestational complications and applying the study results in obstetric practice.
The morbidity indicators of pregnant women in the Russian Federation were analyzed for the period of 2016—2019 and separately for 2020 with the construction of a long-term prognosis of morbidity to 2025. To determine the reliability of differences between indicators, the Mann—Whitney U-test was used; to analyze the data, one used descriptive statistics (M is mean, m is error of mean, SD is standard deviation), to calculate the 95% confidence interval (95% CI).
Against the background of a decline in general morbidity and in the number of major complications of the gestational process: threatened termination of pregnancy (–0.08%), moderate preeclampsia (–2.24%), eclampsia during pregnancy (–49.24%), fetal pathology (–3.48%), an increase in the incidence of extragenital diseases was observed. The prognosis for major gestational and extragenital complications in pregnant women through 2025 showed an increased incidence of anemia (+11.33%), gestational diabetes mellitus (+79.38%), and severe pre-eclampsia (+29.73%), on average, relative to 2020.
The prognosis of some indicators of morbidity in pregnant women shows that with the preserved conditions of health care for women the morbidity will tend to grow. The hypothesis of the study confirms an increase by 2025. The incidence of anaemia, gestational diabetes mellitus, severe pre-eclampsia, which will undoubtedly affect the health of both the woman and her unborn child.