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Dvoryanchikov V.V.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech

Yanov Yu.K.

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Ryazantsev S.V.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech

Krivopalov A.A.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech;
I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

Alekseenko S.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech;
I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University;
K.A. Raukhfus Children’s City Multidisciplinary Clinical Center of High Medical Technologies

Barashkova S.V.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech;
K.A. Raukhfus Children’s City Multidisciplinary Clinical Center of High Medical Technologies;
National Center for Clinical Morphological Diagnostics

Turieva V.V.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech

Evaluation of therapeutic efficiency of the combined nasal spray containing hyaluronic acid and alpha-tocopherol in postoperative period after endonasal surgery


Dvoryanchikov V.V., Yanov Yu.K., Ryazantsev S.V., Krivopalov A.A., Alekseenko S., Barashkova S.V., Turieva V.V.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Rhinology. 2024;32(4): 283‑295

Views: 193

Downloaded: 1

To cite this article:

Dvoryanchikov VV, Yanov YuK, Ryazantsev SV, Krivopalov AA, Alekseenko S, Barashkova SV, Turieva VV. Evaluation of therapeutic efficiency of the combined nasal spray containing hyaluronic acid and alpha-tocopherol in postoperative period after endonasal surgery. Russian Rhinology. 2024;32(4):283‑295. (In Russ.)

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