The relevance of studying disease rates in the working-age population is justified by high mortality, progressing labor insufficiency, and poor health characteristics of the population of this age group.
To study features and trends in the incidence and prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system (DCS) in the Russian working-age population during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020—2021.
We estimated incidence and prevalence rates, in terms of appeal, of diseases of the circulatory system (ICD-10, Chapter IX, I00—I99) and ischemic heart diseases (I20—I25) for 2012—2021, and the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for 2020—2021 in the working-age population. To assess the statistical significance of differences in the disease rates between the years 2020—2021 and 2012—2019, we applied the resampling technique. Using the Wilcoxon test, we assessed the differences between the values of the studied indicators in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2020 and 2021, taking the value 0.05 as the significance level for hypothesis testing. Also, the relationship between COVID-19 incidence and DCS growth rates in the Russian Federation in 2020—2021 were examined and calculated the Spearman rank correlation coefficient to quantify its strength.
We established a decreased incidence but an increased prevalence of DCS and ischemic heart diseases in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the country as a whole during the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease. We also found a positive correlation of moderate strength between the incidence rates of COVID-19 and the growth rates of the prevalence of DCS in the year 2021.
The main trends in the rates of circulatory diseases in the Russian working-age population in 2020—2021 were a decrease in their incidence and an increase in the prevalence, in terms of appeal, the latter being a frequent finding the ralationship between COVID-19 and DCS in this category of the population in most regions and the Russian Federation as a whole.