Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relatively new technology in healthcare. Its development takes place due to combination of various factors. To date, these technologies are being actively introduced into healthcare system to optimize the work of medical personnel, ensure access and quality of medical care. At the same time, AI raises many questions like any innovation coming to a fairly conservative industry. The main ones are issues of efficiency and economic acceptability. Scientific data on AI effectiveness are not yet convincing enough to talk about its positive impact on healthcare system. Like any innovative medical technology, AI increases the cost of medical care and burden on healthcare system. Answers to this question comprise further research of AI in healthcare. It is necessary to provide correct assessment of such technologies and determine the methods for this assessment. As a starting point for discussion, it seems possible to draw a parallel between digital technologies (AI) and pharmaceutical technologies (medicines). Pharmacoeconomics has all necessary tools for such studies. The last ones have been successfully used for a long time. In this article, the authors discuss the issues related to definition of AI, its types and features as medical technology regarding possible impact on healthcare system. Introduction of AI into medicine considering specific features of application and challenges facing the entire health system is analyzed. A special attention is paid to AI assessment methods necessary for decision-makers on introduction of modern innovations into healthcare system.