Anogenital pruritus is a common problem and can be caused by various reasons. Hygienic and sexual practices, diet features and other factors can provoke unpleasant symptoms. Itching can accompany a number of systemic and dermatological diseases. Among the latter, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, lichen planus and psoriasis are the most common. Regardless of the initial cause, anogenital pruritus negatively impacts on the quality of patients’ life, affects their daily activity and sexual life and can lead to sleep disorder. Qualitative anamnesis collection, examination and appropriate laboratory tests are important for making an accurate diagnosis. Specific treatment is prescribed after determining the cause. Nevertheless, care products with moisturizing and anti-pruritic effects should be recommended prior to diagnosis establishment in accordance to significant impact of this symptom on patients’ life. In addition, care products become the main way to treat an unpleasant symptom in cases of idiopathic and psychogenic itching. Our experience shows that the use of anti-itching and moisturizing cream is an effective mean for reducing the itching intensity and can be included in comprehensive therapy of dermatoses in anogenital area. Thus, own observations, which included 51 patients with various dermatological diseases and complaints of itching, tightness and burning in the anogenital area, showed a significant decrease in itching intensity by the 2nd week of comprehensive therapy, and by the 4th week only 4 patients needed cream use. It should also be noted that the application of cream with anti-pruritic and moisturizing effects as a care product in combination with basic therapeutic measures can be an alternative to topical glucocorticosteroids, which are undesirable for use in the anogenital area.