To study the immediate results of pancreatoduodenectomy depending on digestive reconstruction procedure.
We analyzed 242 patients who underwent pancreatoduodenectomy for the period from January 2013 to December 2019. There were 32 combined procedures: 28 (11.6%) with portal vein resection and 8 (3.3%) simultaneous operations (right-sided hemicolectomy — 4, right-sided adrenalectomy — 2, gastrectomy with splenectomy — 2). Pancreatic stump was inserted into the jejunum in 156 (64.5%) patients, into the stomach — in 86 (35.5%) cases.
Postoperative period was uneventful in 180 (74.4%) patients. Eighty postoperative complications were observed in 62 (25.6%) patients; 221 (91.3%) patients were discharged, 21 (8.7%) patients died. Pancreatic necrosis was the most common postoperative event and provoked 65 (82.5%) various complications (38 (72.1%) in patients with pancreaticojejunostomy and 20 (71.5%) in those with pancreaticogastrostomy). Incidence of complications was similar in both groups. However, pancreaticojejunostomy was followed by severe pancreatic fistula type C in 12 (23.1%) patients, type B in 24 (46.1%) cases. In case of pancreaticogastrostomy, pancreatic fistula type C occurred in 4 (14.3%) cases, type B — in 8 (28.6%) patients.
Pancreatic necrosis was the most common postoperative event after pancreatoduodenectomy. Fewer severe pancreatic fistulae (type C) were recorded after pancreaticogastrostomy although these patients had lower density of the pancreas and unclear pancreatic duct. Choice of pancreatic-digestive anastomosis should be determined by features of pancreatic parenchyma, pancreatic duct diameter. Nevertheless, final decision is a prerogative of surgeon. Pancreaticogastrostomy is especially advisable in minimally invasive PDEs that will simplify inclusion of the pancreas into digestive system and reduce the incidence of complications and mortality.