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Belov Yu.V.

RNTsKh im. akad. B.V. Petrovskogo RAMN

Komarov R.N.

Clinic for Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Frolov K.B.

GBOU VPO Pervyĭ MGMU im. I.M. Sechenova, Universitetskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1, Klinika aortal'noĭ i serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii, Moskva

Dadashov S.A.

Klinika aortal'noĭ i serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii universitetskoĭ klinicheskoĭ bol'nitsy #1 Pervogo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. I.M. Sechenova

Khatamova M.A.

GBOU VPO Pervyĭ MGMU im. I.M. Sechenova, Universitetskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1, Klinika aortal'noĭ i serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii, Moskva

Mesenterial by-pass in a female patient with multifocal atherosclerosis


Belov Yu.V., Komarov R.N., Frolov K.B., Dadashov S.A., Khatamova M.A.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(9): 60‑62

Views: 889

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To cite this article:

Belov YuV, Komarov RN, Frolov KB, Dadashov SA, Khatamova MA. Mesenterial by-pass in a female patient with multifocal atherosclerosis. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(9):60‑62. (In Russ.)

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