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Davydov M.I.

Federal state budgetary institution «N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Akchurin R.S.

FGBU National medical research cardiology center of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Gerasimov S.S.

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia

Brand Ya.B.

Institut im. N.V. Sklifosovskogo, Moskva

Skopin I.I.

A.N. Bakoulev Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of RAS (director — acad.of RAS L.A. Bokeria), Moscow, Russia

Dolgov I.M.

Nauchno-issledovatel'skiĭ institut skoroĭ pomoshchi im. N.V. Sklifosovskogo, Moskva

Surgical treatment of patients with stomach cancer and severe concomitant cardio-vascular pathology


Davydov M.I., Akchurin R.S., Gerasimov S.S., Brand Ya.B., Skopin I.I., Dolgov I.M.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(9): 4‑13

Views: 2307

Downloaded: 48

To cite this article:

Davydov MI, Akchurin RS, Gerasimov SS, Brand YaB, Skopin II, Dolgov IM. Surgical treatment of patients with stomach cancer and severe concomitant cardio-vascular pathology. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(9):4‑13. (In Russ.)

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