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Gagua A.K.

Kafedra fakul'tetskoĭ khirurgii i urologii Ivanovskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ meditsinskoĭ akademii

Zagaĭnov V.E.

Privolzhskiĭ okruzhnoĭ meditsinskiĭ tsentr FMBA Rossii, Nizhniĭ Novgorod;
kafedra khirurgii fakul'teta obucheniia inostrannykh studentov Nizhegorodskoĭ meditsinskoĭ akademii Roszdrava

Evtikhova E.Iu.

Kafedra khirurgii fakul'teta obucheniia inostrannykh studentov Nizhegorodskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ meditsinskoĭ akademii

Long-term treatment results and quality of life of the patients, operated on the reason of chronic pancreatitis, complicated by the obstructive jaundice


Gagua A.K., Zagaĭnov V.E., Evtikhova E.Iu.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(1): 34‑38

Views: 887

Downloaded: 13

To cite this article:

Gagua AK, Zagaĭnov VE, Evtikhova EIu. Long-term treatment results and quality of life of the patients, operated on the reason of chronic pancreatitis, complicated by the obstructive jaundice. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2013;(1):34‑38. (In Russ.)

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