The progress in colorectal cancer treatment of IV stage that was shown in last decades was mainly due to modern chemotherapy schemes and aggressive surgical approach towards distant metastatic lesions. Meanwhile less attention is paid to primary tumour treatment - the questions of necessity and volume of its resection are still open. The AIM of this study was to evaluate safety and oncologic effectiveness of primary tumour resection with D3 lymph node dissection in synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous metastatic lesion of distant organs who underwent surgical resection of primary tumour were chosen from prospectively collected department database. The analysis of short-term and long-term results of resections with and without extended D3 lymph node dissection and prognostic factors affecting overall survival was carried out. From 2006 to 2011 total of 190 patients underwent primary tumour resection, 157 (82.6%) among them - with extended D3 lymph node dissection. Twenty one patient (11%) developed postoperative complications that required reintervention, 30-days mortality rate was 2.6%. Three-year cumulative overall survival was 37%, median survival - 22 months (25 months with extended lymph node dissection and 4 months without, p<0.001). Univariate analysis revealed following statistically significant prognostic factors improving overall survival: metastatic lesions in one distant organ, solitary haematogenous nodes, extended D3 lymph node dissection, postoperative chemotherapy, resection of metastatic lesions. Removal of primary tumour with extended lymph node dissection in metastatic colorectal cancer doesn't increase the number of postoperative complications and mortality. Performing D3 lymph node dissection favours increase of median survival and is a significant prognostic factor influencing outcomes.