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Myl'nikov A.G.

Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyĭ tsentr abdominal'noĭ khirurgii i éndoskopii Rossiĭskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. N.I. Pirogova;
gorodskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #31, Moskva

Shapoval’yants S.G.

Department of Hospital Surgery №2 with the research laboratory of surgical gastroenterology and endoscopy, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

Pan'kov A.G.

Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyĭ tsentr abdominal'noĭ khirurgii i éndoskopii Rossiĭskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. N.I. Pirogova;
gorodskaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #31, Moskva

Korolev S.V.

Institut khirurgii im. A.V. Vishnevskogo Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia i sotsial'nogo razvitiia Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii

The enteral tube feeding and selective intestinal decontamination for the treatment of the acute pancreatitis


Myl'nikov A.G., Shapoval’yants S.G., Pan'kov A.G., Korolev S.V.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2012;(2): 37‑41

Views: 2709

Downloaded: 56

To cite this article:

Myl'nikov AG, Shapoval’yants SG, Pan'kov AG, Korolev SV. The enteral tube feeding and selective intestinal decontamination for the treatment of the acute pancreatitis. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2012;(2):37‑41. (In Russ.)

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