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Zabolotskikh I.B.
Kuban State Medical University
Bautin A.E.
Almazov National Medical Research Center
Zamyatin M.N.
National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov
Lebedinskii K.M.
North-Western State Medical University n.a. Mechnikov, Federal Research;
Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology
Potievskaya V.I.
Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute — Branch of the National Medical Research Center of Radiology
Perioperative management of patients with heart failure
Journal: Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. 2021;(3): 6‑27
Views: 18698
Downloaded: 912
To cite this article:
Zabolotskikh IB, Bautin AE, Zamyatin MN, Lebedinskii KM, Potievskaya VI, Trembach NV. Perioperative management of patients with heart failure. Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology.
2021;(3):6‑27. (In Russ.)
The guidelines for perioperative management patients with concomitant heart failure are presented in the article. Recent data on epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification and main principles of perioperative management of heart failure are highlighted. Key recommendations on risk stratification and preoperative examination of patients with co-existing heart failure are presented. Peculiarities of anesthesia, intraoperative monitoring and postoperative management of patients with heart failure undergoing non-cardiac surgery are described. Main principles of prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative complications and management of heart failure and acute decompensation syndrome are set out. Basic criteria of medical care quality control are presented.
Zabolotskikh I.B.
Kuban State Medical University
Bautin A.E.
Almazov National Medical Research Center
Zamyatin M.N.
National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov
Lebedinskii K.M.
North-Western State Medical University n.a. Mechnikov, Federal Research;
Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology
Potievskaya V.I.
Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute — Branch of the National Medical Research Center of Radiology
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