Rehabilitation of patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a long-term strategy of healthcare service of Russian Federation, which is aimed at slowing down the progression of the pathological process, maximal reduction of disability and improving patients’ quality of life. The development of targeted programs of medical rehabilitation for patients with SMA, aimed at the reduction of the disease’s main symptoms, is relevant.
To develop and scientifically establish therapeutic effects of complex medical rehabilitation of type II and III SMA patients.
A prospective comparative study of the therapeutic effects of rehabilitation techniques, including 50 patients aged from 1.3 to 15.3 (average age 7.2±2.4 years) with type II and III SMA (ICD-10: G12), was done. Examined set included 32 patients with type II SMA and 18 patients with type III SMA. In patients of both groups had targeted rehabilitation programs (kinesiotherapy, mechanotherapy, splinting, use of spinal support, electric neurostimulation). Status of patients was determined by functional, instrumental and sociomedical research methods, the results of which were adequate statistically analyzed.
The comprehensive medical rehabilitation of patients with SMA demonstrated significant therapeutic effects with such manifestations as improvement of clinical status, stabilization and increase in joint motion, improvement of motor function of limbs’ muscles, head and neck. Medical rehabilitation reduces the degree of disability, increases rehabilitation potential and the need for the technical means of rehabilitation in patients with type II and III SMA. Rehabilitation techniques help to achieve the main aim of rehabilitation — independence in daily living — for 15% of patients with type II SMA and for 22% of patients with type III SMA.
Medical rehabilitation of patients with type II and III SMA forms significant locomotor-corrective and vertebral-corrective therapeutic effects.