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Syrtsova L.E.

Higher School of Healthcare Administration, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Abrosimova Yu.E.

WHO Regional Office for Europe Collaborating Center for «Healthy Cities» Project, Moscow, Russia

Lopatina M.V.

National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Health literacy: content of the concept


Syrtsova L.E., Abrosimova Yu.E., Lopatina M.V.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;19(2): 58‑63

Views: 1744

Downloaded: 79

To cite this article:

Syrtsova LE, Abrosimova YuE, Lopatina MV. Health literacy: content of the concept. Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;19(2):58‑63. (In Russ.)

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