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Potekaev N.N.

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow, Russia

Frigo N.V.

Moscow Sientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Moscow, Russia, 119071

Almazova A.A.

Moskovskiĭ nauchno-prakticheskiĭ tsentr dermatovenerologii i kosmetologii Departamenta zdravookhraneniia

Lebedeva G.A.

Otdelenie meditsinskikh osmotrov po dermatovenerologii Departamenta zdravookhraneniia, Moskva

Syphilis epidemiology under modern conditions


Potekaev N.N., Frigo N.V., Almazova A.A., Lebedeva G.A.

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To cite this article:

Potekaev NN, Frigo NV, Almazova AA, Lebedeva GA. Syphilis epidemiology under modern conditions. Russian Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Venereology. 2015;14(1):22‑34. (In Russ.)

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