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Sukovatykh B.S.

Kursk State Medical University

Valuyskaya N.M.

Kursk State Medical University

Gerasimchuk E.V.

Kursk State Medical University

Endoprosthetic replacement with lifting of abdominal wall in treatment of umbilical and postoperative ventral hernias


Sukovatykh B.S., Valuyskaya N.M., Gerasimchuk E.V.

More about the authors

Information about the withdrawal of the article is sent to all databases where is indexed Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery.

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2015;(6): 38‑43

Views: 1441

Downloaded: 15

To cite this article:

Sukovatykh BS, Valuyskaya NM, Gerasimchuk EV. Endoprosthetic replacement with lifting of abdominal wall in treatment of umbilical and postoperative ventral hernias. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2015;(6):38‑43. (In Russ.)

The editorial board informs that by its decision of 15.04.2017 the publication of the article:

Sukovatykh BS, Valuyskaya NM, Gerasimchuk EV. Endoprosthetic replacement with lifting of abdominal wall in treatment of umbilical and postoperative ventral hernias. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2015;(6):38‑43 (In Russ.)

is invalid, the article is withdrawn (retracted) from scientific circulation.

The reason for withdrawing the article was the discovery of a significant amount of duplicate information in a previously published article.

Sukovatykh BS, Valuyskaya NM, Gerasimchuk EV, Pravednikova NV, Mutova TV. Efficacy of mini-abdominoplasty for treatment of large ventral hernias in women. Annals of Surgery. 2014. № 5. С. 37—43.

Information about the withdrawal of the article is sent to all databases where is indexed Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery.

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