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Pasechnik I.N.

Central State Medical Academy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

Skobelev E.I.

Uchebno-nauchnyĭ meditsinskiĭ tsentr Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF, Moskva

Krylov V.V.

FGBU MRNTs Minzdrava Rossii, Obninsk

Sal'nikov P.S.

Tsentral'naia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa s poliklinikoĭ Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF, Moskva

Vershinina M.G.

Tsentral'naia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa s poliklinikoĭ Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF, Moskva

Blokhina N.V.

Kafedra anesteziologii i reanimatologii Uchebno-nauchnogo meditsinskogo tsentra Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF, Moskva

Meshcheryakov A.A.

Educational and Research Medical Center of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abdominal sepsis and oxidative stress


Pasechnik I.N., Skobelev E.I., Krylov V.V., Sal'nikov P.S., Vershinina M.G., Blokhina N.V., Meshcheryakov A.A.

More about the authors

Journal: Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2015;(12): 18‑23

Views: 2598

Downloaded: 65

To cite this article:

Pasechnik IN, Skobelev EI, Krylov VV, Sal'nikov PS, Vershinina MG, Blokhina NV, Meshcheryakov AA. Abdominal sepsis and oxidative stress. Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2015;(12):18‑23. (In Russ.)

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