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Kniazev O.V.
GBUZ "Moskovskiĭ klinicheskiĭ nauchno-prakticheskiĭ tsentr" Departamenta zdravookhraneniia Moskvy
Shkurko T.V.
Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
Pirogov Russian National Medical Research University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Kagramanova A.V.
Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia
Veselov A.V.
The Centre for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Assistance, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Nikonov E.L.
FGBU "Poliklinika #1" Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF
Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease. State of the problem (review)
Journal: Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology. 2020;9(2): 66‑73
Views: 15045
Downloaded: 1120
To cite this article:
Kniazev OV, Shkurko TV, Kagramanova AV, Veselov AV, Nikonov EL. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease. State of the problem (review). Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology.
2020;9(2):66‑73. (In Russ.)
Objective — we performed a narrative review on the epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Main statements. IBD presents a significant burden in current gastroenterology and occupies one of the leading positions in the structure of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the world because of severity, frequency of complications and mortality. Late diagnostics of IBD results in increase recurrence rate, severe course of disease, complications and operations. The results of the large controlled studies show a steady increase in the incidence of this disease in the world. According to recent reports the prevalence of ulcerative colitis (UC) in North America is 238 per 100 thousand population, Crohn’s disease (CD) — 201 to 100 thousand, the prevalence of UC in Europe is 505 per 100 thousand population, CD — 322 to 100 thousand; the incidence of UC in North America is 37 per 100 thousand population, CD — 26 per 100 thousand, UC incidence in Europe is 24.3 per 100 thousand population, CD — 12.7 per 100 thousand. However, there is no clear data on the prevalence and incidence of this pathology in Russia. Conclusion. This circumstance requires the creation of a unified register of patients with UC and CD, which will contribute to the improvement of the measures of care for patients with IBD.
Kniazev O.V.
GBUZ "Moskovskiĭ klinicheskiĭ nauchno-prakticheskiĭ tsentr" Departamenta zdravookhraneniia Moskvy
Shkurko T.V.
Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
Pirogov Russian National Medical Research University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Kagramanova A.V.
Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia
Veselov A.V.
The Centre for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Assistance, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Nikonov E.L.
FGBU "Poliklinika #1" Upravleniia delami Prezidenta RF
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